Learn how to draw a great looking Barracuda with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Barracuda.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Barracuda

How to Draw a Great Looking Barracuda for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the barracuda outline by drawing a long curved line. Angle the line in a "V" shape to form the front of the fish's snout, then double it back on itself at the end.
Then, draw the eye using an oval within an oval. Shade the smaller of the two ovals.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw the fish's lower jaw. Use two long curved lines, one for the top of the jaw and one for the bottom. Then, use "V" shaped lines to enclose triangular teeth of different sizes along the top of the jaw.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Continue to draw sharp, triangular teeth along the upper and lower jaws. Use a curved line to enclose the opposite side of the lower jaw.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw more triangular teeth. Connect them with short lines to complete the jaw.
Then, extend long curved lines from the top and bottom of the head. The lines should come closer together as they curve.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw the barracuda's tail fin. Extend two curved lines from the end of the body. Connect the lines using two more lines in a wide "M" shape. Then, draw a curved line to contour the base of the barracuda's head.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw the fins, erasing as necessary. For the dorsal fin, use two curved lines and a scalloped line to enclose a triangular shape.
For the pectoral fin, start with a short curved line at the base of the gills. From it, extend a long curved line and double it back on itself to enclose the fin.
Drawing Step 7

7. Enclose another curved triangular fin on the back near the tail. Below the pectoral fin, draw two more triangular fins with a scalloped side.
Add More Details to Your Barracuda Picture - Step 8

8. Use curved lines to contour the fish's body, the base of the tail, the face, and around the eye. Enclose a triangular fin below the tail, and begin to texture the fins with curved lines.
Complete the Outline of Your Barracuda Drawing - Step 9

9. Texture all the fins with parallel curved lines.
Color Your Barracuda Drawing

Your cartoon barracuda outline is now complete. Color your fish.
Barracudas can be brown, grey, or bluish and white or cream. They are always darker on top with lighter bellies and stripes or splotches along their sides.
For more great fish drawing tutorials, see the collection of Step-by-Step Fish Drawings.
Watch 'How to Draw a Barracuda' Video Tutorial
Learn More About The Barracuda Drawing
Barracudas are toothy ocean-dwelling fish. You can bring in the catch of the day when you complete this barracuda drawing.
Barracudas are long, slender, swift fish that can grow to six feet long. Barracudas eat other fish, hunting with their sharp teeth.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Barracudas aren't the only sharp-toothed fish patrolling the reef. You can learn how to draw a great white shark or check out our hammerhead shark drawing or tiger shark drawing.
Realistic fish are easy to draw with the help of the step-by-step guide that follows. After mastering this drawing, can you add your barracuda to this underwater scene drawing?
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw a Rainbow Trout or Swordfish Drawing tutorials.
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