Learn how to draw a great looking Care Bear with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Care Bear.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Care Bear

How to Draw a Great Looking Care Bear for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the Care Bear outline by drawing the bear’s face. Use "U" shaped lines for the cheek and nose.
Above the cheek, enclose the eye using a “U” shaped line. Draw two partial ovals inside it, shading the smaller one.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw a heart on the tip of the nose, and extend a curved line for the cheek beside it. Use a “U” shaped line to enclose the eye, and draw two partial oval shapes inside it.
Shade the smaller oval to indicate the pupil. Below the nose, enclose the mouth using a “U” shaped line. Draw a curved line across it to indicate the tongue.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Draw two curved lines above each eye to form the eyelids and eyebrows. Draw two small, curved triangles along the side of each eye to form the eyelashes.
Then, draw the sides of the face. Use long curved lines coupled with short curved lines that meet at jagged points to give the face a furry appearance.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw “C” shaped lines for the insides of the ears, then use a series of curved lines at jagged points to enclose larger “C” shapes around them.
Use a series of lines meeting at jagged points to draw a tuft of fur on the top of the head.
Beside the heart-shaped nose, shade a few dots to indicate whiskers. At the base of the head, extend a curved line to form the shoulder.
Drawing Step 5

5. Use a series of overlapping “U” shaped lines to draw the thumb and fingers. Complete the hand and arm using curved lines, some of which meet at jagged, furry points. Draw the remaining arm in the same way.
Drawing Step 6

6. Complete the remaining hand using overlapping “U” shaped lines. Then draw the bear’s tummy. Use a long curved line for the bottom of the round shape, with jagged, furry lines near the top.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw another curved line to complete the shape of the tummy, though it should not connect to the previous lines. Use short lines that meet at points to draw a tuft of fur at the top of the tummy.
Then, draw the leg and foot using overlapping curved lines and jagged, furry lines.
Add More Details to Your Care Bear Picture - Step 8

8. Complete the first foot and begin drawing the remaining leg and foot using overlapping curved lines.
Complete the Outline of Your Care Bear Drawing - Step 9

9. Finish the leg, and use curved lines that meet at points to enclose the teardrop-shaped tail. Draw a large heart in the center of the bear’s tummy.
Color Your Care Bear Drawing

Your Care Bear outline is now complete. Color your drawing of Tenderheart Bear. He has brown fur, a white tummy, and a red heart.
For more great toys drawing tutorials, see the collection of Simple How to Draw Toys Ideas.
Learn More About The Care Bear Drawing
Care Bears care, and so do you! Whether you're a longtime fan or a new one, you will love this Care Bear drawing.
Are Care Bears difficult to draw? No, they are not! This easy, step-by-step tutorial will walk you through adding each new line. You will even learn how to use short lines to make your Care Bear look furry.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
This Care Bear is called Tenderheart Bear. He is the leader of the Care Bears and their cousins.
Tenderheart's Belly Badge is a heart. You can use this template along with our other drawing guides to create other Care Bear portraits.
For example, you can replace the heart with this rain cloud drawing to make Grumpy Bear, this shooting star drawing to make Wish Bear, or this rainbow drawing to make Cheer Bear.
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw a Snow Globe or Easy Barbie Doll Face Drawing tutorials.
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