How to Draw a Cartoon Angry Face

Learn how to draw a great looking Cartoon Angry Face with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Cartoon Angry Face.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing an Angry Face

How to Draw a Great Looking Cartoon Angry Face for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw a Cartoon Angry Face Step 01

1. Begin by drawing the angry eye. Use a series of curved lines to draw the eyebrow. It should be shaped like a long, deformed heart - pointed on one end and double-lobed on the other. Extend a curved line from the lobed end to indicate the wrinkles caused by the grimace. Then, enclose a partial circle to form the eye. Within it, shade a smaller circle to indicate the pupil.

Drawing Step 2

How to Draw a Cartoon Angry Face Step 02

2. Use curved lines to outline the remaining eyebrow, eyeball, and wrinkles of the nose. Shade a partial circle to indicate the pupil.

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Drawing Step 3

How to Draw a Cartoon Angry Face Step 03

3. Draw the nose using a long “U” shaped line. Outline the nostril using a smaller “U.” Texture the top of the nose with overlapping, short, curved lines.

Drawing Step 4

How to Draw a Cartoon Angry Face Step 04

4. Outline the far side of the face and the adjoining ear using curved lines. Draw curved lines at the top of each furrowed brow. Then, trace the bald head using a long curved line.

Drawing Step 5

How to Draw a Cartoon Angry Face Step 05

5. Outline the open mouth and lower lip using a long “U” shaped line. Within it, use a curved line to outline the teeth of the lower jaw.

Drawing Step 6

How to Draw a Cartoon Angry Face Step 06

6. Use curved lines to outline each of the teeth and the gums of the upper and lower jaws.

Drawing Step 7

How to Draw a Cartoon Angry Face Step 07

7. Use overlapping curved lines to draw the chin and the corner of the mouth. Contour the top of the chin with a short curved line.

Add More Details to Your Cartoon Angry Face Picture - Step 8

How to Draw a Cartoon Angry Face Step 08

8. Contour the cheek with a short curved line. Use a long curved line to outline the ear, noting the bulge of the earlobe. Draw overlapping curved lines to contour the inner portion of the ear, and another to connect the ear to the jaw.

Complete the Outline of Your Cartoon Angry Face Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw a Cartoon Angry Face Step 09

9. Use overlapping curved lines to draw the front and back of the neck. Then, draw pairs of short curved lines around the eyes and across the nose.

Color Your Cartoon Angry Face Drawing

How to Draw a Cartoon Angry Face Step 10

Color your mad cartoon face. Sometimes, the color red is used to symbolize anger, as with the phrase “seeing red” and our cartoon’s bloodshot eyes. In the classic novel Tarzan of the Apes and its sequels, Tarzan’s anger was often exemplified by the reddening of an old scar on his forehead.

For more great Cartoons drawing tutorials, see the 51 Best Cartoons Drawing Tutorials post.

Easy, step by step Cartoon Angry Face drawing tutorial
How to Draw a Cartoon Angry Face Pinterest Image

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Learn More About The Cartoon Angry Face Drawing

“Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice.”
- Ephesians 4:31, King James Version

Anger, madness, fury, rage, wrath, ire - whatever you call it, this emotion indicates a strong feeling of displeasure coupled with physical symptoms, including an “increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and increased levels of adrenaline,” in response to a real or perceived hurt, threat, or provocation.

Anger is often expressed in facial expressions and body language, some times by family members. As exemplified in this drawing, these include a furrowing of the brow, baring of the teeth, and a tensing of the neck muscles.

Anger may also be expressed through a raised voice or physical violence.

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You can see an example of these angry faces and stances - as well as flames comically erupting like hair from the top of the head - in the character Anger from Disney’s animated film Inside Out.

Animals express their anger in similar ways - check out this snarling wolf.

Would you like to draw a cartoon of an angry man? This easy, step-by-step character drawing tutorial is here to show you how. All you will need is a pen, pencil, or marker and a sheet of paper.

You may also wish to color your finished character. Then, you can apply your newfound skills to drawing angry faces on any of our characters!

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Sadness from Inside Out drawing, Sad Anime Face drawing, and Tears drawing.

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