Learn how to draw a great looking Chibi Wolf with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Chibi Wolf.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Chibi Wolf

How to Draw a Great Looking Chibi Wolf for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by sketching the wolf's cheeks and neck. Use curved lines of various lengths, allowing them to meet at jagged points. The final shape should resemble a square with one point missing.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw the wolf's ears, completing the outline of the wolf's head. For each ear, use curved lines to form curved triangles. The triangle of the near ear should have no base. Connect the ears using a series of curved lines, forming the top of the head and a tuft of fur. Draw a curved line down the middle of each ear. Then, use a series of short, curved lines that meet at jagged points to enclose a shape alongside it.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Use a pair of curved lines to sketch the foreleg. Enclose the toes using overlapping "U" shaped lines.
Drawing Step 4

4. Use curved lines to enclose the chest and the remaining foreleg. Complete the paw using overlapping "U" shaped lines.
Drawing Step 5

5. Use a series of curved lines to draw the back, hip, and rear leg of the wolf. Note the "U" shaped toes.
Drawing Step 6

6. Connect the rear leg and foreleg using a curved line, indicating the belly. Then, draw the remaining rear leg using a pair of curved lines and "U" shaped lines. Use short lines to give the body the texture of fur.
Drawing Step 7

7. Extend a long curved line from the hips to outline the top of the tail. Complete the furry shape using a series of curved lines.
Add More Details to Your Chibi Wolf Picture - Step 8

8. Begin sketching the wolf's face. Enclose curved shapes for the eyebrows. Outline the eyes using thick curved lines. Then, for each eye, draw several successively smaller circles. Notice that the middle circle has a small slice taken from it. Shade this circle to indicate the pupil. Then, outline the nose with two curved lines between the eyes.
Complete the Outline of Your Chibi Wolf Drawing - Step 9

9. Complete the wolf's face. Draw an oval within an oval to form the nose, and shade between them. Draw the smiling mouth using a rounded "W" shaped line. Connect the nose to the sides of the face using a series of curved lines, and use short lines to give the neck a furry texture.
Color Your Chibi Wolf Drawing

Color your chibi wolf. In nature, wolves have black, white, grey, brown, blond, or red markings. In anime, they can be any color you wish!
For more great Anime drawing tutorials, see How to Draw an Anime Beard and Facial Hair and 31 Cute Anime Step-by-Step Drawings.
For more easy dog drawing tutorials, see the collection of Easy Dog Drawing Ideas.
For all dog and canine drawings, see the Fun Art Projects for Kids: Step-by-Step Tutorials for Drawing Puppies page.
Learn More About The Chibi Wolf Drawing
Anime cartoons portray wolves in a number of different ways.
They may be ordinary animals, sapient beings with human-level intelligence, supernatural gods or spirits in animal form, or werewolves or wolfweres - humans that turn into wolves, and vice versa.
Popular anime wolves include the wolves of Wolf's Rain, Sajin Komamura from Bleach, and Ninetales from Pokémon.
There are also a number of Kemonomimi wolf characters in anime - humans with wolf-like attributes, such as ears and a tail.
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Ame and Yuki from Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki (Wolf Children: Ame and Yuki) are an example of this.
Our drawing guide broaches yet another anime and manga artistic style - that of chibi.
Chibi characters are "super-deformed" with unusually large heads and eyes.
They are the epitome of kawaii, or Japanese cuteness.
Would you like to draw an adorable chibi wolf? This easy, step-by-step cartoon animal drawing guide is here to help.
All you will need is a pen, pencil, marker, or crayon and a sheet of paper.
Learn more about How to Draw an Anime Old Man or How to Draw an Anime Vampire with White Hair.
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw an Anime Dog or Dog Bone Drawing tutorials.
See also, Beginner Puppy Drawing.
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