Learn how to draw a great looking Creepy Zombie with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Creepy Zombie.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Creepy Zombie

How to Draw a Great Looking Creepy Zombie for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Start with an oblong circle to make the mouth. Over this shape, draw an upside-down heart and fill it in. Sketch two semi-circles with dashed lines on the top.
Use loose triangle shapes to connect the face, then draw a curve over the right eye. Add a few short lines for depth.
Drawing Step 2

2. Next, draw uneven rectangles for the upper set of teeth. Use uneven, slightly rounded shapes for the lower teeth.
Don't draw rectangles--instead, draw loose shapes that overlap to give the teeth dimension. Add a line to connect the teeth, then use another heart shape for the tongue.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Start the head with a loosely curved shape that points downward. For the ear, use two loops to make a shape like butterfly wings. Next, draw a jagged semi-straight line to create the jaw.
Sketch a loose L-shape underneath the mouth and next to the right eye, then add an oblong heart shape inside the mouth. Finally, use sketchy lines for the hair.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw sketchy lines inside the face to give it depth. Sketch a curve underneath the ear, then draw a broad arrow shape underneath the jaw to make the neck.
Connect the neck with a broad wavy line that ends in a triangle. Sketch another triangle to the left.
Behind the neck, start with a point and slowly curve the line downward until it ends in another triangle. Draw a tube shape on the right, and erase a few lines.
Drawing Step 5

5. Begin the arm with a wide triangle shape, then bring it downward and make two sausage shapes for the first finger.
Repeat the sausage shapes for the next two fingers. Make sure the shapes point in slightly different directions to show that the fingers have joints.
Next, add a curve for the palm, then draw a straight line pointing downward. Use sketchy triangle lines to make the sleeve.
Drawing Step 6

6. Start the right side of the body with a long curve, then make sketchy shapes underneath and connect them to the body with another line.
This shape resembles a cartoon ghost. Use straight and triangular lines for the upper side of the left arm.
Next, use a long straight line for the left arm. Add an elongated hot dog shape for the first finger.
Drawing Step 7

7. For the right leg, start with a curved line that's slightly jagged near the bottom. On the left, use more sausage shapes for the fingers and complete the hand with straight lines.
Add More Details to Your Creepy Zombie Picture - Step 8

8. Use two straight lines pointing downward with a curve in the middle for the left leg. Add a parallel line about an inch away to complete the leg, then draw a similar line for the right leg.
Connect each leg with jagged lines like blades of grass. Add sketchy lines to create folds in the fabric.
Complete the Outline of Your Creepy Zombie Drawing - Step 9

9. Draw a curved line for the back of the left foot, then draw waves for the bottom of the foot and curve them upward for the toe.
Add more semi-circles for the rest of the toes, and complete the foot with a line trailing upward.
On the right, draw a loop for the back of the right foot, then trail the line downward and repeat the earlier to complete the shape.
Color Your Creepy Zombie Drawing

Outline your drawing with a black pen or marker. When you're done, erase the excess pencil lines to complete your cartoon creepy zombie outline.
Use muted green to color the creepy zombie's body. Color the shirt with greyish-blue, and use darker blue for the pants. Add yellow for the eyes, pale yellow for the teeth and dark red for the mouth.
Learn More About The Creepy Zombie Drawing
Zombies are some of the world's most famous movie monsters. Most movies portray zombies as scary creatures, but some comedies make zombies funny and lighthearted.
This cartoon creepy zombie is a little scary but perfect for comic strips and imaginative stories.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Start with a pencil, then grab a black pen or marker to outline your drawing. Color your cartoon zombie with anything--markers, pens, colored pencils, crayons, paint or oil pastels.
This creepy zombie will leap off the page when you're finished. When you're done, try drawing other movie monsters like ghosts, vampires or werewolves.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Freddy Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street drawing, The Corpse Bride drawing, and Chucky drawing.
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