Learn how to draw a great looking Cute Popsicle with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Cute Popsicle.
Step by Step Instructions for Drawing a Cute Popsicle

How to Draw a Great Looking Cute Popsicle for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by drawing two straight lines, vertical in orientation and parallel to one another. These lines form the sides of the popsicle.
Drawing Step 2

2. Connect the vertical lines at the bottom. Use a straight line, but curve it at each end so that the popsicle's corners are rounded.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Draw a curved line like a quarter of a circle upward from one side of the popsicle. Then, use a series of "U" shaped lines of different sizes to connect the curve to the other side of the popsicle. This forms the top of the popsicle, as well as the teeth marks where a bite was taken out of it.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw a wavy curved line from the bite to the opposite side of the popsicle. This indicates melted popsicle dripping down the sides.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw a pair of straight, vertical, parallel lines descending from the bottom of the popsicle. Connect them at the bottom using a curved line. This forms the popsicle stick.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw curved and spiral lines across the popsicle stick. This gives it a wooden texture.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw two circles in the middle of the popsicle to form the eyes. Draw a tiny circle inside each one, and shade around it. Then, use two short curved lines connected at sharp points to form a curved shape above each eye, indicating the eyebrows.
Add More Details to Your Cute Popsicle Picture - Step 8

8. Draw two circles, one on each side of the face and slightly overlapping each eye. These indicate the cute blushing cheeks. Draw a "U" shaped line to form the smiling mouth.
Complete the Outline of Your Cute Popsicle Drawing - Step 9

9. Add detail and texture to your popsicle by drawing straight vertical lines on its sides, as well as curved lines within the drippings.
Color Your Cute Popsicle Drawing

Color your popsicle. Popsicles often come in bright colors that correspond to their flavor. Red popsicles often taste like fruit punch, orange-like citrus fruit, and yellow like lemons. What is your favorite flavor?
Are you hungry for more? Check out our objects drawing guides to find more fast food, or our plant drawing guides for flavorful fruits.
For more great Really Easy drawing tutorials, see the 51 Easy Really Easy Art Projects for Kids post.
Learn More About The Cute Popsicle Drawing
Popsicles, also called ice pops, freezer pops, or ice lollies, are frozen snacks on a stick for easy handling.
Historically, the popsicle has been around since at least 1872. One story has it that the popsicle was created accidentally when a child left a glass of flavored soda water and a stirring stick outside on a cold night.
During the early twentieth century, popsicles became popular treats in California, U.S.A. The name "popsicle" - a combination of the words "pop" and "icicle" - stuck after Popsicle became the dominant brand.
In cities around the world, "paleteros" sell popsicles and other treats from chilly pushcarts.
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Children often make their own popsicles at home by freezing fruit juice around a wooden or plastic handle.
In 2005, however, adults in New York City, U.S.A., sought to erect the largest popsicle the world had ever seen. The colossal ice pop stood 25 feet tall and used 17.5 tons of juice. The pop melted faster than expected and had to be washed away with fire hoses.
Foods with faces, such as the popsicle pictured in this tutorial, are a pop culture staple.
For example, Popsicle and Popsi Cool are both members of the collectible Shopkins toy line. Popsicles also feature in the plots of animated films such as Disney's Zootopia (2016).
Would you like to learn to draw a cute, smiling popsicle? This fun, step-by-step popsicle drawing guide is here to show you how. You will need only a sheet of paper and a pen, pencil, or marker.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Burger drawing, Soda Can drawing, and Milk Carton drawing.
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