Have you ever looked at an amazing sketch or at a funny and insightful cartoon and thought, "I wish I could draw like that"? Well, you can! Drawing takes practice, but the super-easy, step-by-step drawing tutorials listed here are a great place to start.
67 Really Easy Drawing Ideas
How to Draw Cartoon Hair
Use this easy drawing guide when pigtails are just the thing for your little girl cartoon character!
How to Draw an Ocean
Are you dreaming of a vacation? Set the scene by learning how to draw an ocean. This tranquil sea comes complete with a sandy beach, a palm tree, and an island in the distance.
How to Draw a Baby Seal
Did you learn how to draw an ocean using the drawing tutorial above? Fill it with cute and friendly aquatic animals, such as this baby seal.
How to Draw a Skeleton Hand
No bones about it, learning how to draw the skeletal structure can help you draw more realistic people. Or, you can use this skeleton hand as a scary Halloween decoration.
How to Draw Holly
"Have a holly, jolly Christmas," as the song says, with the help of this evergreen drawing guide. Holly is also a common landscape plant and a food source for many birds.
How to Draw Crossed Hockey Sticks
What is your favorite sport? On the street or on the ice, hockey can be a lot of fun. Learn how to draw the sport's primary symbol of two crossed hockey sticks with a puck beneath.
How to Draw a Cartoon Spider
Is this furry spider itsy bitsy or is he a giant tarantula? That all depends on how you draw him - and how big your piece of paper is!
How to Draw a Cute Caterpillar
Give that smiling spider, listed above, a caterpillar companion. Will they be friends or predator and prey? The story is yours to imagine.
How to Draw a Necklace
How will you use this beautiful necklace? Will you cut it out and wear it? Use it to adorn your favorite character? Or will you create a comic book about a superhero and a jewelry heist?
How to Draw Balloons
You can go up, up, and away with these colorful balloons. And don't worry - holding the strings of this sketch won't make you take flight.
How to Draw Legs
Are you creating your own cartoon character? Use this drawing tutorial to master drawing the legs and lower body.
How to Draw the Peace Sign
Peace, man! Not only is this sketch easy to draw, it can also help you explore the shape of the human hand, including how the fingers bend.
How to Draw a Cute Popsicle
Celebrate summer with this cute popsicle. It has a smiling face even though you've taken a bite!
How to Draw Cotton Candy
Add more smiling cartoon food to your summertime sugar high. Cotton candy is a favorite treat at fairs, amusement parks, and circuses.
How to Draw a Candle
Candles can light a darkened room, help you celebrate a special occasion, or be lit in memory of a lost loved one. How will you put this flickering pillar candle to use?
How to Draw a Dog Paw Print
Does this paw print mark a clue left by Blue? Or is it the track of a wolf deep in the wilderness? Create a canine companion and a story to go along with it.
How to Draw a Beach Ball
If you're hitting the beach or the pool this summer, don't forget to bring a colorful beach ball!
How to Draw a 3D Cross
Use this simple line drawing to master the techniques of drawing three-dimensional shapes. Then, apply your skills to creating buildings and more!
How to Draw an Apple
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away," so the old saying goes. If you draw an apple every day, your sketching skills will improve in no time!
How to Draw Ice Cream
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? This ice cream cone is filled with three scoops, so you can enjoy three of your favorite flavors!
How to Draw Happy Birthday in Bubble Letters
Mastering the skill of drawing bubble letters will help you to add dimension to all of your future drawings. Pay special attention to the shading. With practice, you'll be able to change the letters of this greeting card to fit any occasion!
How to Draw a Potato
So far, we've drawn a lot of junk food with cute smiling faces. Now, let's learn how to draw a healthy vegetable that is just as happy to see you!
How to Draw a Beach
Let's go to the beach! Pair this drawing guide with the ocean and beach ball drawing tutorials listed above.
How to Draw a Peach
It's a symbol of the American South, a healthy and delicious snack, a major player in children's literature, and an emoji with a double meaning. Take a bite out of this easy peach drawing guide.
How to Draw a Cartoon Dad
Does your teenage superhero need a family from which to hide - or in which to confide - his secret identity? Or does your scene need to be filled with ordinary people going about their daily jobs? Try your hand at this cartoon dad.
How to Draw a Bush
This lowly plant may not seem important, but drawing shrubbery can make a background come to life. From your neighborhood to the densest jungle, shrubs like this one will fit right in.
How to Draw DNA
DNA can make a good addition to your science fair project or to the backstory of your comic book superhero.
How to Draw a Soccer Ball
Want to play some soccer? Learn how to draw a soccer ball with the classic pentagon and hexagon design.
How to Draw a Stethoscope
Did you notice how the shape of the stethoscope almost forms a heart? Complete the shape to create a kind card for the hard working nurses or doctors you know.
How to Draw Curly Hair
Does your custom character need a makeover? Give them a full head of curly hair. You can use this drawing tutorial to create both male and female characters.
How to Draw a Goldfish
Have you ever had a pet goldfish? When you learn to draw one, you have the perfect pet - one that you never have to feed or clean up after!
How to Draw a Door
Creak! You can fix that creaky door - it uses straight lines and rectangle shapes. The question is, what lies beyond it? Take a chance and walk on through.
How to Draw a Tombstone
What does the "RIP" mean on this headstone or gravestone? It stands for "Rest in Peace," a brief prayer for the deceased.
How to Draw a Star
This complex star is one of the easiest 3-D objects you can learn to draw. Use it to decorate your stuff, as an emblem on the chest of your very own superhero, or to complete a diorama of the night sky.
How to Draw a Radio
Do you like to listen to the radio? Today, many people stream music on their smartphones or computers. But you can kick it old-school with this class boombox radio.
How to Draw a Menorah
A menorah is a special type of candelabra or candle holder used in celebrations such as Hanukkah. Did you know? Menorahs are carved on the Arch of Titus in Rome, which depicts the Roman conquest of Jerusalem.
How to Draw a Microphone
Do you dream of being a big star? Or maybe you just want to invite your friends to a fun night of karaoke. Follow your dreams with this easy microphone drawing guide. Don't drop the mic - draw one!
How to Draw a Chain
When shaded yellow, this can be the gold chain of a bracelet or a necklace. Shaded like grey metal or rust, it can represent the ties that imprison or confine.
How to Draw a Chocolate Bar
Everyone loves chocolate! Will you find a golden ticket concealed beneath the wrapper? Don't forget to check out more candy drawing guides, below.
How to Draw Sunglasses
Sunglasses are a versatile accessory for your favorite character. They can represent a cool sense of style or a day at the beach. They can also provide a disguise to a criminal or a spy!
How to Draw a Paper Airplane
You could use that sheet of paper to make a paper airplane... or you could use it to draw one! Sketch out a design for your next paper aircraft. How far can you make it glide?
How to Draw Crystals
Crystals are amazing structures made when mineral molecules line up in just the right pattern. Are these crystals hiding deep within a cave? Will they be transformed into priceless jewelry? Or are they Kryptonite that can disable even Superman?
How to Draw Candy
What kind of candy is your favorite? Satisfy your sweet tooth with this tasty drawing guide. Hard candies, mints, chocolates, caramels... what type of candy is hiding beneath the colorful wrappers? It is up to you to decide.
How to Draw a TV
Even comic book characters need a little downtime. Set the scene with a big-screen television! What's on TV tonight? You use your drawing skills to turn on whatever show you want!
How to Draw a Viking Ship
Many centuries ago, the Vikings were explorers of the open seas. When you learn how to draw a Viking ship, where will your voyage take you?
How to Draw a Graduation Cap
Make someone a graduation card or scrapbook your special day with the help of this graduation cap or mortarboard drawing guide.
How to Draw a Lemon
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you paper and a pencil... learn how to draw lemons!
How to Draw Water Drops
"Drip, drip, drop, little April showers..." But rainstorms don't just happen in April. Make some waves with this watery drawing guide.
How to Draw an Umbrella
Rain or sun, your character can carry an umbrella or a parasol to protect themselves from inclement weather.
How to Draw Grapes
Grapes are a delicious snack. They also appear in classical artwork, in still lifes of objects on a table or being fed to royalty or mythical gods.
How to Draw Pears
Pears are delicious healthy fruits. Learn how to draw a pair of pears and take a bite.
Easy Cartoon Owl
Sharp points make up the tufts on this owl's head and cheeks, while the rest of its body - including its feet, tail, and feathers - are crafted from "U" shaped lines.
Easy Bee
You will use lots of curved lines to capture this bee's three body segments, its wings, legs, antennae, and striped pattern.
Learning to sketch a jet plane is a great way to pass the time on your next flight. The main sections of the plane are the fuselage, the wings, and the tail stabilizers.
Maple Leaf
Maple leaves have five lobes, and each lobe has several pointed tips. They also have branching veins made from slightly curved lines.
Daisy Flower
Some people say "He loves me, he loves me not" as they pick the petals from a daisy flower. You can do the same as you draw the petals of this one!
Kirby is one of the easiest video game characters to draw. His body is a circle, and his mouth, arms, and legs are rounded triangles. His sparkling eyes are made out of ovals.
Cute Cartoon Cat
Your heart will melt as you sketch this cute kitty. Its outline is simple, even though it includes little details like pointed, fluffy cheeks, "U" shaped stripes, and the overlap of its curled tail.
Easy Dog - Step by Step Drawing Guide for Kids and Beginners
Dogs can be complicated to draw, but they don't have to be. This one has been simplified into easy lines and shapes. For example, check out its triangle-shaped ears.
Easy Horse
Giddy up your drawing skills with this cute horse. This sketch captures the beauty and grace of the animal even in a simplified form.
The blade of this sword is made out of just six straight lines. You will also use a number of curved lines to draw the "T" shaped hilt.
Peppa Pig - Easy Step by Step Drawing Guide for Kids
Is Peppa your favorite cartoon character? If so, we've got good news - she is really easy to draw! You will use a few simple shapes to sketch this piggy portrait.
Silhouettes are like shadows, outlines of a person with no details inside. This girl's silhouette looks a lot like Barbie.
Two circles and an "X" - that is all it takes to draw a cranberry. This tutorial can help you draw a whole pile of these delicious fruits.
Finger Heart
Some people think hands are hard to draw, but this snapping fingers tutorial will show you that they're not. The snap brings love into being, represented by a heart - one of the first shapes many people learn how to draw.
Tea Pot
This little teapot is short and stout, and it includes a handle and a spout. When you finish the outline, decorate the tea set with a cute daisy flower.
Cute Cartoon Eyes
Getting the eyes right is important, but it's not too hard. You can capture your character's joy with these detailed, classic cartoon eyes.
More About Drawing Really Easy Topics
What will you learn how to draw? Many amateur artists believe that drawing people is difficult, but it doesn't have to be.
Some of our guides break the drawing down into its parts - hair, legs, or clothing, for example. Then, you can put together the different parts to create your own unique character.
Completing an interesting drawing may involve more than just the individual character, however. You'll need to give him or her accessories and an environment.
Maybe your character is hungry? Learn how to draw candy, pears, grapes, potatoes, apples, ice cream, and lemons.
Does he need a secret disguise? Give him a pair of sunglasses.
You can even set the scene by indoor objects like drawing doors and candles, or outdoor ones such as oceans, ships, and beaches. Is it raining? You can spend a rainy day learning how to draw water drops.
What makes these drawing tutorials so easy?
First, each illustration is broken down into steps. In each step, you will add a few lines or shapes.

New lines are highlighted in blue. The objects are also simple in form; as your drawing skills grow, you will be able to take these line drawings and flesh them out with more detail.
As a bonus, several of our tutorials will introduce you to adding three-dimensional effects to your pictures!

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