How to Draw a Lunch Box

Learn how to draw a great looking Lunch Box with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Lunch Box.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Lunch Box

How to Draw a Great Looking Lunch Box for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

Lunch Box step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 1

1. Begin the cartoon lunch box outline by using two long, curved lines to enclose a rectangular shape.

This makes up the front and side of the lunchbox. Then, draw a curved "L" shaped line to begin drawing a sandwich inside.

Drawing Step 2

Lunch Box step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 2

2. Extend another long curved line from the "L" shaped line, enclosing a slice of bread. Draw another curved line across it to lend a three-dimensional aspect to the crust.

Then, draw a long, wavy line to enclose a leaf of lettuce.

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Drawing Step 3

Lunch Box step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 3

3. Continue drawing the layers of the sandwich. Use a curved line to enclose the meat and a "7" shaped line to enclose the slice of cheese.

Then, use another curved line to indicate the other slice of bread. Behind the sandwich, draw two bent lines as if making an octagon shape. This will become a milk carton.

Drawing Step 4

Lunch Box step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 4

4. Use straight lines to finish the milk carton drawing. Draw a rectangle with rounded corners on top, and use disconnected lines to indicate the rectangular sides and the triangle and parallelogram on top.

Drawing Step 5

Lunch Box step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 5

5. Next, draw an apple. Use curved lines to enclose its heart like shape. Draw a short curved line between the lobes of the heart.

From it, extend a curved line and double it back on itself to form the stem. Extend a curved line from the stem. This will become the vein of a leaf.

Drawing Step 6

Lunch Box step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 6

6. Draw a teardrop shape around the leaf vein to enclose the edges of the leaf. Then, outline the top of the lunchbox.

Use a long curved line to enclose the rounded rectangular shape. Draw another curved line inside it to give it a 3D appearance.

Drawing Step 7

Lunch Box step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 7

7. Draw a curved rectangle for the clasp of the lunchbox, erasing as necessary. Draw a curved line along one edge for a 3D effect.

Draw another curved line inside the lid to add depth, then enclose a "C" shaped handle on the front of the lunchbox.

Add More Details to Your Lunch Box Picture - Step 8

Lunch Box step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 8

8. Draw a rectangle with rounded corners around each end of the handle. Draw a curved line along the inner edge of the handle to give it a 3D shape.

Complete the Outline of Your Lunch Box Drawing - Step 9

Lunch Box step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 9

9. Draw straight lines in each of the rectangles. Draw a narrow rectangle above the handle to form the opposite side of the clasp. Draw a small "L" shaped line in its corner.

Color Your Lunch Box Drawing

Lunch Box step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 11

Your cartoon lunchbox outline is now complete. Color your drawing. You can even decorate the lunchbox with a fun pattern or drawings of your favorite characters.

For more great food drawing tutorials, see the collection of Step-by-Step Food Drawings.

Easy, step by step Lunch Box drawing tutorial
How to Draw a Lunch Box Pinterest Image

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Learn More About The Lunch Box Drawing

Do you bring your lunch to school? This lunch box drawing can come in handy if you need to remember to bring your lunch! The following easy, step-by-step drawing tutorial will make it simple.

All throughout history, people have needed to bring their lunches with them. People have used all sorts of bags, baskets, and pails to carry their food.

Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.

Eventually, heavy lunch boxes built like metal tool boxes gave way to lightweight metal lunchboxes for kids.

Today, lunchboxes are often made of plastic or fabric, but like the old metal lunch boxes, they have bright colors and fun designs.

If you're getting ready for back-to-school, you can draw other essential school supplies like this backpack drawing, books, pencils, and more.

For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw Garlic or Lady Finger Drawing tutorials.

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