Learn how to draw a great looking Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

How to Draw a Great Looking Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by drawing a long curved line. It should nearly, but not completely, enclose an irregular round shape. This is the bulk of the ice cream scoop. Draw a short curved line overlapping one end of the first line.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw curved lines in an overlapping series on both sides of the scoop. This is the scalloped edge left behind as the ice cream overflows the scoop.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Draw more overlapping curved lines around the bottom of the scoop.
Drawing Step 4

4. Complete the outline of the ice cream scoop with a final curved line. Then, extend a pair of curved lines beneath the scoop. Allow them to meet at a gentle point, forming the triangular ice cream cone.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw curved lines along the bottom of the ice cream scoop.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw curved lines diagonally across the ice cream cone. Then, draw parallel diagonal lines slanted in the opposite direction. This cross hatching pattern provides the waffle-like texture of the cone.
Drawing Step 7

7. Complete the cross-hatching with additional lines. Then, begin to draw the chocolate chips on top of the ice cream. Use curved lines to enclose small irregular shapes.
Add More Details to Your Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Picture - Step 8

8. Draw more chocolate chips and chunks on top of the ice cream scoop. Again, use curved lines to enclose small irregular shapes.
Complete the Outline of Your Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Drawing - Step 9

9. Draw more chocolate chips, erasing at the edge of the scoop as necessary.
Color Your Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Drawing

Color your cartoon ice cream cone. If you like mint chocolate chip ice cream, shade the ice cream light green and the chips brown. Be creative - you can color your ice cream and sprinkles to create any flavor you'd like!
For more great Food drawing tutorials, see the 51 Easy and Fun Food Drawing Ideas post.

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Learn More About The Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Drawing
"Now who is that with the ice cream and cake?
The party ain't live without the ice cream and cake.
Whatchu want, some ice cream and cake?
All the kids like ice cream and cake."
- "Ice Cream and Cake" by Buckwheat Boyz
Ice cream is a symbol of summer and a favorite treat of both children and adults. Traditionally, it is made from milk and sugar. Today, many non-dairy versions are also available, often made from nut "milks."
Ice cream was first introduced in Europe in the 1600s. Explorer Marco Polo described "fruit ices" he had observed in Asia. These predecessors to ice cream may date back many centuries.
The popular ice cream cone was invented at the World's Fair in St. Louis, Missouri, USA in 1904.
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Legend has it that when an ice cream purveyor ran out of bowls, he turned to a nearby waffle seller for help. The waffles were folded, and the ice cream cone was born.
Did you know? The most popular ice cream flavors are vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. All three of these flavors are combined in Neapolitan ice cream.
Many other desserts are made with ice cream, including milkshakes, floats, banana splits, and ice cream sundaes topped with nuts and candy.
If you're dreaming of a refreshing treat, try drawing this cartoon ice cream cone.
You'll only need a pencil, an eraser, and perhaps something to color with. Then, follow the step-by-step instructions as you draw this tasty dessert!
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Ice Cream drawing, Milkshake drawing, and Hot Chocolate drawing.
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