Learn how to draw a great looking Polar Bear Cub with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Polar Bear Cub.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Polar Bear Cub

How to Draw a Great Looking Polar Bear Cub for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

Begin by drawing an oval. This shape will outline the bear's head.
Drawing Step 2

Draw another, larger oval intersecting the first. This shape continues the outline of the head.
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Drawing Step 3

Erase the guide lines from within the shape.
Drawing Step 4

Draw a tuft of fur on top of the head using short, curved lines that meet in points. Enclose the ears, similarly using short, connected curved lines, forming a rounded shape.
Drawing Step 5

Draw a curved line within each ear, adding detail. Draw two ovals in the middle of the face, outlining the eyes.
Drawing Step 6

Erase the guide lines from the ears and tuft.
Drawing Step 7

Draw a curved line above each eye, indicating eyebrows. Draw another oval in the middle of the face to form the nose. Enclose an oval shape around the nose using two curved lines. Draw a curved line to form the mouth, and connect it to the nose using a short line.
Drawing Step 8

Extend a series of curved lines from the head, doubling back to outline the arm. Allow the lines to meet in jagged points, forming a bit of fur. Draw several curved lines at the tip of the arm to differentiate the fingers.
Drawing Step 9

Repeat this process on the opposite side, forming a mirror image.
Drawing Step 10

Within the eye, draw an oval. Draw a curved line across the oval to outline the pupil. Within the pupil, detail the eye with a small oval and even smaller circle. Shade the pupil. Connect the paws using a curved line.
Drawing Step 11

Repeat the process to detail the eye on the opposite side.
Drawing Step 12

Draw short lines that meet in jagged lines along the sides of the face, affording the detail of fur. Erase guide lines as necessary. Draw a series of connected, curved lines along each arm to indicate the presence of fur.
Drawing Step 13

Draw an oval alongside one arm, forming the foot. Connect the foot to the body using a short, curved line. Detail the curve of the ankle using another curved line.
Drawing Step 14

Enclose an oval shape on the opposite side, forming the other foot.
Drawing Step 15

Draw a curved line across the top of each foot.
Drawing Step 16

Draw short, curved lines between the upper lines of the foot, indicating the division of the toes. Draw three small circles within the oval of the foot, and a larger, irregular shape beneath. These shapes form the paw print.
Drawing Step 17

Repeat this process on the opposite foot.
Drawing Step 18

Polar bears live in the Arctic, so give yours an ice flow to sit upon. Enclose an irregular circular shape around the bear's feet using a long, wavy line. Enclose an irregular rectangular shape beneath this using a second wavy line.
Drawing Step 19

Detail the ice using thick, wavy lines of various lengths. Draw curved lines in a circular shape around the ice flow, indicating the presence of water. Draw a wavy line along the horizon.
Drawing Step 20

Color your cute polar bear cub.
For more great Drawing Ideas tutorials, see the 100 Easy Drawing Ideas Tutorials post.
Learn More About The Polar Bear Cub Drawing
Polar bears are considered the largest bear species on earth, some weighing over 2,000 pounds. They live in the frigid Arctic region, hunting seals and at times swimming hundreds of miles in freezing cold seawater.
Polar bears have long been a part of art. The earliest known depiction dates to 1,500 years ago. Today, these bears are seen on emblems of northern countries, such as Greenland, and in popular culture.
Notable cartoon polar bears include the Coca Cola bears, used in advertising since 1993, Polar of the the children's book Polar, the Titanic Bear (Daisy Spedden, 1991), Muk and Luk from Balto (1995), and Mr. Big's henchmen from Zootopia (2016).
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Would you like to draw your very own cute polar bear cub? Doing so is easy with the help of this simple, step-by-step drawing tutorial.
All you will need is a pencil, a piece of paper, and perhaps an eraser. In each step, new lines are highlighted in blue, while lines drawn previously fade to black.
Did you know? A polar bear's fur is not actually white. Polar bears have black skin covered with transparent, colorless hairs.
The hairs reflect the sun in such a way that the bears appear white. You can color your polar bear however you wish using crayons, colored pencils, markers, or paints.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Snoopy drawing, Penguin drawing, and Bunny drawing.
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