Learn how to draw a great looking Tree Outline with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Tree Outline.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Tree Outline

How to Draw a Great Looking Tree Outline for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the tree outline by drawing the tree’s trunk. Use curved lines that meet at sharp points for the roots. Above them, extend lines that overlap the trunk to form branches, followed by more trunk.
Drawing Step 2

2. Continue drawing the branches, each consisting of a pair of curved lines extending from the trunk or a large branch. Notice the “U” shaped lines that help form the “Y” shaped branches.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Draw more “Y” shaped branches using curved lines. Then, begin sketching the leafy canopy. Use a series of connected, curved lines to create the cloudlike shapes.
Drawing Step 4

4. Continue drawing the tree’s cloudlike canopy. Notice how it is not a single shape, but multiple cloudlike masses.
Drawing Step 5

5. Enclose the edges of the canopy around the tree’s top, again using a series of connected, curved lines.
Drawing Step 6

6. Finish enclosing the top of the canopy with a series of connected, curved lines. Texture within the canopy with more connected, curved lines in series.
Drawing Step 7

7. Detail the tree canopy with more connected curved lines. Then, texture the bark of the tree with long and short curved lines.
Add More Details to Your Tree Outline Picture - Step 8

8.Add more texturing lines to the tree’s bark. Use short lines that meet at sharp points to create a bed of grass at the base of the tree.
Complete the Outline of Your Tree Outline Drawing - Step 9

9. Draw more pointed grass below and beside the tree. Use curved lines to create one more root piercing the ground.
Color Your Tree Outline Drawing

Your tree outline is now complete. Color your picture. The tree’s bark is usually gray or brown.
Its leaves are green in summer, but they might be yellow, red, or orange in the fall. In spring, it might even be pink, white, or purple with flowers.
For more great tree drawing tutorials, see the collection of Cute How to Draw Trees Art Projects.
Learn More About The Tree Outline Drawing
A famous poem begins, "I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree." You can capture the beauty of trees with the help of this tree outline drawing guide.
What are the primary parts of a tree? The trunk, roots, branches, and leaves are all important. This illustration includes them all, as well as texture and other details.
What kind of tree is depicted here? It might be an oak tree drawing since it has a big, leafy canopy that is the right shape. It could also be a maple tree or one of many other types of deciduous trees.
In the winter, however, deciduous trees lose their crown of leaves. Then, the stumps and branches prevail, and they look like this dead tree drawing.
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw an Easy Cartoon Palm Tree or Heart Tree Drawing tutorials.
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