Learn how to draw a great looking Abstract Face with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Abstract Face.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing an Abstract Face

How to Draw a Great Looking Abstract Face for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by drawing the unmatched abstract eyes. For each eye, draw an oval in which the lines don’t quite connect. Draw a curved line terminating in a spiral across one eye, indicating an eyelid and lashes.
Drawing Step 2

2. Extend a similar spiral line across the remaining eye. Then, shade a small cube within each eye to form the pupils. Draw a partial oval around one eye.
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Drawing Step 3

3. From the bottom of the incomplete oval, draw a “G” shaped line to form the nose. Below this, draw a wide “M” shaped line and connect its legs with a curved line. This forms the lips of the painting.
Drawing Step 4

4. Use curved lines to draw crescent moon-shaped eyebrows above each eye. Use another curved line to enclose the lower lip. Draw an “L” shaped line from the nose to indicate the side of the face.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw a curved line from the point of one eyebrow, with a “C” shaped line at its end. Cross the bottom of the “C” shape with a small right triangle. The “C” shape is an ear, and the triangle is an earring.
Drawing Step 6

6. Connect the base of the ear to the side of the face with a short line. Then, draw a “C” shaped ear and triangular earring on the opposite side.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw straight lines above and below the ear and above the opposite brow. Then, wind a curved line with multiple “L” shaped bends along the side of the face and behind the ear.
Add More Details to Your Abstract Face Picture - Step 8

8. Draw long, curved “L” shaped lines along the side of the head to suggest flowing hair.
Attach them at the bottom with a straight diagonal line. Impose more hair on the top of the head using one long curved line.
Complete the Outline of Your Abstract Face Drawing - Step 9

9. Draw curved lines to texture the hair on top of the head. Then draw straight diagonal lines across the background of the portrait.
Color Your Abstract Face Drawing

Color your Picasso face drawing. Use bright, unnatural colors in keeping with the cubist style.
For more great Man-Made cartoons drawing tutorials, see the 51 Step-by-Step Man-Made cartoons Drawing Guides post.
Learn More About The Abstract Face Drawing
Abstract art is in! You can learn how to draw an abstract face using simple lines and shapes.
All you will need is a pen or a pencil and this easy-to-follow, step-by-step drawing tutorial.
What is abstract art? By definition, it is "art that does not attempt to represent external reality, but seeks to achieve its effect using shapes, forms, colors, and textures."
Over 100 years ago, many artists decided that they did not just want to paint pictures of things they saw. Instead, they wanted to use shapes and colors to express their emotions.
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One of these artists was Pablo Picasso.
He often painted people who looked unreal. Their features were broken down into rough shapes as seen from different perspectives.
For example, part of the face might be in profile, while another part was seen from the front - all in the same painting.
Picasso also used bright, unrealistic colors. Henri Matisse's painting Green Stripe is another example of this.
It is a portrait of his wife, but her face is yellow with a prominent green stripe down the middle - the stripe from which the painting gets its name. The background is made up of blocks of color.
The abstract portrait in our drawing guide is based on famous works such as these.
Unleash your inner artist as you learn how to draw an abstract face!
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Silhouette drawing, Confuse Anime Face drawing, and Face drawing.
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