Learn how to draw a great looking Easy Dragon Head with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Easy Dragon Head.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing an Easy Dragon Head

How to Draw a Great Looking Easy Dragon Head for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the easy dragon head outline by sketching the dragon's eye. Use curved lines to sketch the brow and the half-circle of the eye. Then, shade a partial oval within the eye to indicate the pupil.
Drawing Step 2

2. Next, draw a curved triangle to form the horn on the nose. Draw a curved line from the horn to the brow. Then, contour the nostril and below the eye using short lines.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Shade a small teardrop shape within the nostril. Then, use curved lines to trace the upper lip, mouth, and lower jaw.
Drawing Step 4

4. Continue the back of the jaw with a "C" shaped curve. Draw small curved triangles to form the dragon's teeth.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw another large triangular tooth jutting from the mouth. Then, contour the jawline and back of the head with curved lines.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw a long, narrow, curved triangle to form a horn on the back of the dragon's head. Contour the base of the horn with a curved line.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw a frill around the dragon's neck. Outline the frill using curved lines that meet at points. Then, draw a curved line across the frill toward each point.
Add More Details to Your Easy Dragon Head Picture - Step 8

8. Draw spikes on top of the dragon's head. Use curved lines that meet at points to form the parallelogram shapes. Then, extend a curved line to trace the back of the neck.
Complete the Outline of Your Easy Dragon Head Drawing - Step 9

9. Complete your easy dragon head outline by completing the neck. Extend a curved line from the lower jaw to trace the neck. Then, band the neck with curved lines.
Color Your Easy Dragon Head Drawing

Color your cartoon of a simple dragon face. We've shaded ours to look like a sea monster, using shades of green the color of seafoam.
For more great Dragon drawing tutorials, see the 50 Best Dragon Drawing Tutorials post.
Learn More About The Easy Dragon Head Drawing
Would you like to learn how to draw an easy dragon head? This dragon face drawing tutorial will help you master the easy dragon head outline.
Dragons are the serpent-like creatures of many legends. This dragon in particular looks like a sea serpent, a "mythological and legendary marine animal that traditionally resembles an enormous snake."
This dragon's face has a strong jawline and a jutting chin. This makes the dragon look tough, strong, and powerful, even though you can't see his body.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Speaking of his body - can you create one for him out of your imagination? You can look to the sea serpent-like Japanese dragon or this Western dragon for inspiration.
Did you know? Sightings of monstrous sea serpents are likely mistaken observations of other ocean animals.
The culprits might include huge basking sharks, ribbonfish, oarfish, giant squid, large marine worms, or even porpoises swimming in a line.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Mushu from Mulan drawing, Dragon Tattoo drawing, and Bearded Dragon Lizard drawing.
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