How to Draw Bambi

Learn how to draw a great looking Bambi with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Bambi.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Bambi

How to Draw a Great Looking Bambi for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw Bambi Step 01

1. Begin by drawing a circle. This will help you shape Bambi's head.

Drawing Step 2

How to Draw Bambi Step 02

2. Use curved lines to begin to detail the face, mouth, and nose. Extend a curved line from the bottom of the circle to begin the lower jaw. Draw another line near the top of the circle. Allow it to run nearly parallel to the circle before jutting out to form the nose, then returning to close proximity. Use a curved line to enclose the shape of the nose.

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Drawing Step 3

How to Draw Bambi Step 03

3. Use two curved lines to enclose the open mouth. Use another curved line, parallel to the lower lip, to form the tongue. Draw a curved line down its center.

Drawing Step 4

How to Draw Bambi Step 04

4. Use a series of overlapping curved lines to indicate fur on the top and side of the head.

Drawing Step 5

How to Draw Bambi Step 05

5. Erase the original circle, leaving a clean outline of the head.

Drawing Step 6

How to Draw Bambi Step 06

6. Draw Bambi's ear. Use two curved lines to enclose a shape that is pointed on both ends. It should be located partially within and partially outside of the shape of the head. Note that the line continues to extend past the bottom of the ear.

Drawing Step 7

How to Draw Bambi Step 07

7. Use a long, curved line to outline the remainder of the ear. Then, draw another line within it, parallel to the first. Erase lines as necessary.

Add More Details to Your Bambi Picture - Step 8

How to Draw Bambi Step 08

8. Use a long, curved line to enclose the irregular shape of the remaining ear. Detail it with a curved line at its tip, parallel to the outline. Then, extend two curved lines beneath the head, forming the neck.

Complete the Outline of Your Bambi Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw Bambi Step 09

9. Detail Bambi's face. Draw a large oval with a flat bottom in the middle of the face. Draw another, similar shape within it to form the eye. Draw a curved line across the top of the eye to indicate the eyelid and lash. Then, enclose three successively smaller circular shapes within the eye. Shade between the two smallest to indicate the pupil. Finally, draw a curved line from the top of the eye to the opposite side of the face.

Color Your Bambi Drawing

How to Draw Bambi Step 10

Color Bambi in various shades of brown.

Oh, deer! You can draw an entire herd with the help of these animal drawing guides.

Easy, step by step Bambi drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Bambi Drawing

"Love is a song that never ends."
- Bambi

Bambi is the title character of a cherished children's book and a 1942 Disney animated film. We first meet Bambi as a newborn fawn. During his first year of life, he befriends a rabbit named Thumper and a skunk named Flower.

He avoids the attention of a female fawn called Faline. He also learns of the dangers of the meadow and the need for caution.

Later, Bambi's mother is killed by hunters and he is raised by his father, the Great Prince of the Forest. Bambi II, a sequel to the original film, fills in the gaps of the young deer's youth.

He goes on to become twitterpated with Faline and they have twin fawns. Plot similarities to The Lion King have been noted, namely that of a young prince losing a parent and falling in love with his best friend.

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Bambi is a popular culture icon rivaling that of Mickey Mouse himself. He is featured on countless merchandise. He has made cameo appearances in unrelated films including The Rescuers, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, A Goofy Movie, Zootopia, and Ralph Breaks the Internet.

Would you like to draw Bambi? This easy, step-by-step Disney character drawing tutorial can show you how. All you will need is a pencil, an eraser, and a sheet of paper.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Cartoon Reindeer drawing, Baby Deer drawing, and Deer drawing.

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