Learn how to draw a great looking Deer with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Deer.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Deer

How to Draw a Great Looking Deer for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the deer outline by sketching the animal's face. Shade an inverted, curved triangle for the nose, then use curved lines for the snout and top of the head.
Enclose a double-pointed shape for the eye, and enclose successively smaller circles within it. Shade one of them to form the pupil.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw the ears using curved lines. For each ear, use three lines - two for the outside that meet at a gentle point, and one to contour inside the ear.
Then, use overlapping curved lines to form the deer's chin and jaw.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Use curved lines to enclose the irregular shapes of the pedicles - the bases of the antlers.
Then, begin drawing the first antler using a series of curved lines to make the branching points. Allow the lines to meet at sharp points.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw the remaining antler. Again, use curved lines that branch into sharp points.
Drawing Step 5

5. Extend curved lines from each side of the head, forming the neck. Then contour the chest with another short line.
Drawing Step 6

6. Use long curved lines to sketch the deer's graceful leg. Notice how the lines overlap to form the cloven or split hoof.
Drawing Step 7

7. Use long curved lines to draw the remaining foreleg as well as the deer's belly.
Add More Details to Your Deer Picture - Step 8

8. Extend the line of the neck to form the shoulder, back, and top of the tail. Then, draw a vertical curved line, forming part of the rear leg.
Connect the two with a shorter curved line, enclosing the bottom of the tail.
Complete the Outline of Your Deer Drawing - Step 9

9. Use overlapping curved lines to finish drawing the deer's legs. Notice how the overlaps contour the muscles near the knee as well as the split hoof. Note, too, the bulge of the dewclaw or rear digit behind the hoof.
Color Your Deer Drawing

Your deer outline is now complete. Color the animal. White-tailed deer are brown with white markings on their bellies and tails.
Learn More About The Deer Drawing
Stately deer are symbols of elegance and the great outdoors in many parts of the world. This easy, step-by-step animal drawing guide can help you learn how to draw a deer.
There are 43 different species of deer. Our illustration features a white-tailed deer. It is native to North and South America.
The deer in our drawing is a male. The antlers give it away - only males have branching horns on their heads.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Bambi is perhaps the most famous cartoon deer. You can learn to draw his portrait here.
Then, try creating a realistic forest scene. In addition to the deer outline, you can learn how to draw a cartoon forest and include other woodland creatures, such as this grizzly bear drawing or this chipmunk drawing.
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