How to Draw Cat Paw Prints

Learn how to draw a great looking Cat Paw Prints with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Cat Paw Prints.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Cat Paw Prints

How to Draw a Great Looking Cat Paw Prints for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw Cat Paw Prints Step 01

1. Begin by using a curved line to enclose an irregular shape. The shape should resemble a crescent moon with rounded tips, or a round cookie with a bite taken out of it. This represents the print of the large metacarpal pad.

Drawing Step 2

How to Draw Cat Paw Prints Step 02

2. Draw four small ovals above the curved shape, indicating the toe or digital prints. This completes the first paw print.

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Drawing Step 3

How to Draw Cat Paw Prints Step 03

3. Use a curved line to draw another irregular crescent shape.

Drawing Step 4

How to Draw Cat Paw Prints Step 04

4. Draw four small ovals above the crescent shape, completing the second paw print.

Drawing Step 5

How to Draw Cat Paw Prints Step 05

5. Use a curved line to enclose a third irregular crescent shape.

Drawing Step 6

How to Draw Cat Paw Prints Step 06

6. Draw small ovals above the crescent shape to indicate the toes.

Drawing Step 7

How to Draw Cat Paw Prints Step 07

7. Continue drawing small ovals to complete the third paw print.

Add More Details to Your Cat Paw Prints Picture - Step 8

How to Draw Cat Paw Prints Step 08

8. Use a curved line to draw a fourth irregular curved shape.

Complete the Outline of Your Cat Paw Prints Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw Cat Paw Prints Step 09

9. Draw four small ovals atop the irregular shape, completing the paw print.

Color Your Cat Paw Prints Drawing

How to Draw Cat Paw Prints Step 10

Shade your paw prints. The best part about this drawing guide is, you can keep drawing to make your trail of prints - called a trackway - as long as you wish. Who made these paw prints? You can find your feline friend here. Or perhaps these prints belong to some other four-footed creature? Discover it among our animal drawing guides.

For more great Cat drawing tutorials, see the 25 Step-by-Step Cat Drawing Guides post.

Easy, step by step Cat Paw Prints drawing tutorial
How to Draw Cat Paw Prints Pinterest Image

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Learn More About The Cat Paw Prints Drawing

Paw prints are a type of footprint left behind by animals. Generally, only mammals are described as having paws.

The paw consists of the claws or toenails, the digital pads or fingertips, the large metacarpal pad, and the dewclaw and carpal pad located higher up the leg.

Paw prints can be used to track an animal, especially when it walks through soft mud or snow.

Animals also leave paw prints on surfaces when they have something stuck to their feet, for example, when the family dog with muddy paws walks on the living room carpet.

Did you know? We learn about ancient animals from their fossilized paw prints when soft mud hardens into stone. We can see how the animal moved, how many were present, and where they were going.

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In popular culture, pawprints are a common theme in jewelry, clothing, and children's toys. The pawprints often represent a love of animals, especially cats and dogs.

The brightly colored Lisa Frank artwork adorning school supplies in the 1980s and 1990s often contained images of paw prints. It is also used a logo for children's characters such as Paw Patrol.

Would you like to draw a set of feline paw prints? This easy, step-by-step paw print drawing tutorial will show you how.

All you will need is a pen, pencil, marker, or crayon and a sheet of paper.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Cat Eyes drawing, Black Cat drawing, and Simple Cat drawing.

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