How to Draw Lucky Luke

Learn how to draw a great looking Lucky Luke with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Lucky Luke.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Lucky Luke

How to Draw a Great Looking Lucky Luke for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

Lucky Luke step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 1

1. Begin the Lucky Luke outline by outlining his face. Draw a long, curved horizontal line to form the brim of his hat. Below it, draw a long "U" shaped line for the face.

On each side of the face, use curved lines to enclose the hair and ears. Contour inside the ears with more curved lines.

Drawing Step 2

Lucky Luke step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 2

2. Detail Luke's face. Use curved lines to draw the brows, eyes, pupils, nose, upper and lower lip. Extend two curved lines from the brim of the hat and allow them to meet at a point, indicating a stray lock of hair.

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Drawing Step 3

Lucky Luke step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 3

3. Next, draw Luke's cowboy hat. Draw a curved line around the top of the hat to enclose the brim. Above it, use another curved line to create the crown.

Band it with two curved, horizontal lines to form the band. Contour the crown with additional short lines.

Drawing Step 4

Lucky Luke step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 4

4. Enclose a triangle shape beneath the head and draw curved lines across it. This is Luke's bandana.

At one end, draw a small circle to form the knot. Extend two pairs of lines from the knot and allow them to meet at a point.

Draw a curved line across one of them. Then, enclose curved rectangular shapes for the vest and torso.

Drawing Step 5

Lucky Luke step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 5

5. Draw Luke's arm. Use a series of overlapping curved lines. Then, use a curved line to enclose the cuff of the sleeve. Then, draw the hand using even more overlapping curved lines.

Drawing Step 6

Lucky Luke step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 6

6. Draw Luke's remaining arm. Again, use a series of overlapping curved lines. Then, use a curved line to enclose the cuff of the sleeve. Next, draw the hand using even more overlapping curved lines.

Drawing Step 7

Lucky Luke step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 7

7. Draw Luke's legs. Extend a long curved line from each side of the torso, with an inverted "V" shaped line between them.

Connect the lines at the bottom. Then, use curved lines to draw Luke's belt, buckle, and zipper.

Add More Details to Your Lucky Luke Picture - Step 8

Lucky Luke step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 8

8. Contour the fabric of the pants with curved lines. Then draw Luke's gun in its holster. Use curved lines to outline the irregular shape of the holster, the gun handle, and the trigger.

Complete the Outline of Your Lucky Luke Drawing - Step 9

Lucky Luke step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 9

9. Complete your Lucky Luke outline by drawing his cowboy boots. Use a curved line to enclose the roughly rectangular shape of the cuff. Then, enclose a partial rectangle shape below it.

Across this, draw a small circle and a curved shape. Finally, finish the toe of the boot by drawing a rounded triangle.

Color Your Lucky Luke Drawing

Lucky Luke step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 10

Color your cartoon of Lucky Luke. We've shaded him in his classic style of a yellow shirt, a red bandana, and blue jeans.

Easy, step by step Lucky Luke drawing tutorial
how to draw lucky luke pinterest image

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Learn More About The Lucky Luke Drawing

Would you like to learn how to draw Lucky Luke? This easy, step-by-step cartoon character drawing tutorial will help you master the Lucky Luke outline in no time.

Lucky Luke was an "Old West" American Western comic book character created in 1946.

Luke is a cowboy and a gunslinger "who shoots faster than his shadow." He is accompanied by a horse named Jolly Jumper.

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Luke has faced both real and fictional villains. The most famous of his foes are the Dalton Brothers, fictitiously said to be the relatives of the real-life Dalton Gang.

In Europe, Lucky Luke is one of the best-known comics. It is translated into 81 languages. At the turn of the century, Lucky Luke even starred in an animated cartoon series.

You can create your own Lucky Luke adventures with the help of this drawing guide.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Pirate drawing, Ron Weasley from Harry Potter drawing, and Vault Boy from Fallout drawing.

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