How to Draw Potato Chips

Learn how to draw a great looking Potato Chips with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Potato Chips.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Potato Chips

How to Draw a Great Looking Potato Chips for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

potato chips step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 01

1. Use a long, curved line to partially enclose a lumpy shape. This will become the chip bag. Notice how the line makes a gentle point at one corner of the bag.

Drawing Step 2

potato chips step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 02

2. Use another long, curved line to make a roughly "C" shaped line, enclosing the open end of the irregular shape. This will form the mouth or open end of the bag.

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Drawing Step 3

potato chips step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 03

3. Draw a scalloped line - a series of connected "U" shaped lines along the bag's opening.

Drawing Step 4

potato chips step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 04

4. Use another scalloped line to enclose an area at the bottom of the bag. This is the sealed end of the bag.

Drawing Step 5

potato chips step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 05

5. Draw short lines near the scalloped portion of the bag, texturing the vacuum-sealed material. Then, draw the first of the potato chips.

Use a long curved line to enclose a rounded heart shape. Notice how the lines intersect and cross over one another, contouring the classic shape of the potato chip.

Drawing Step 6

potato chips step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 06

6. Use a curved line to enclose the bean shape of a second potato chip, partially hidden behind the first. Then, complete the opening of the bag with a long curved line.

Drawing Step 7

potato chips step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 07

7. Use curved lines to enclose the shapes of many chips inside the bag. Then, draw a potato chip in the foreground. Use a long curved line to enclose the bean shape.

Add More Details to Your Potato Chips Picture - Step 8

potato chips step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 08

8. Draw another bean-shaped potato chip using a curved line. Then, begin to detail the chip bag. Draw a large oval in the center. Connect it to the side of the bag with a curved line.

Complete the Outline of Your Potato Chips Drawing - Step 9

potato chips step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 09

9. Write the word "CHIPS" within the oval using large, thick letters. Then, extend two more curved lines between the oval and the side of the bag.

Color Your Potato Chips Drawing

potato chips step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 10

Color your cartoon potato chips. Some popular potato chip brands have red, yellow, green, or blue packaging. Plain chips are usually yellow, while flavors may give them many colors.

Soda pairs well with this salty snack.

For more great Cartoons drawing tutorials, see the 51 Easy to Draw Cartoons Drawing Tutorials post.

Easy, step by step Potato Chips drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Potato Chips Drawing

Looking for a snack? You can learn to draw potato chips thanks to this easy cartoon food drawing guide.

Who invented the potato chip? At least five different people have been credited with its creation. The most popular story goes like this:

During the 1800s, a diner at a restaurant in Saratoga, New York, wasn't happy with his order of fried potatoes. He sent them back to the kitchen.

Seeking revenge on the guest, the cook sliced a potato as thin as possible and cooked the slices until they were nearly burnt.

Instead of being unhappy with the vengeful dish, the guest loved the thin, crispy potatoes! Thus the potato chip was born.

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Historians disagree as to whether any of the stories of the chips' creation in Saratoga are true, but the town did make them popular. "Saratoga chips" were soon served at expensive restaurants and hotels across the country.

During the 1930s, Lay's and other companies developed methods of producing potato chips with a longer shelf life. Today, they are a favorite snack food. During the Super Bowl alone, Americans consume over 11 million pounds of potato chips!

Did you know? If you order "chips" in some countries, such as Great Britain, you won't receive thin, crispy chips like those in our illustration. Instead, you'll get something like thick French fries!

And in Italy, if you see "chips and salsa" on the menu, you won't likely get corn tortilla chips and Mexican-style salsa. Instead, you might receive a bag of potato chips and some ketchup!

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Starbucks Frappuccino drawing, Pretzel drawing, and Corn Dog drawing.

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