Learn how to draw a great looking Rapunzel from Tangled with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Rapunzel from Tangled.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Rapunzel from Tangled
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How to Draw a Great Looking Rapunzel from Tangled for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by sketching Rapunzel's face, using curved lines. Note the "C" shape of the ear, the small lines detailing the inside of the ear, and the overlap of the hairline.
Drawing Step 2

2. Begin to draw Rapunzel's long, blonde hair. Use long, curved lines that begin at the top of the head and meet in sharp points. Use additional curved lines to add texture to the hair.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Extend two curved lines downward from the head to form the neck. Then, draw Rapunzel's blouse. Use wavy lines to enclose the lace at the neck. Then, use curved lines to sketch the teardrop-shaped sleeves as well as the bodice.
Drawing Step 4

4. Detail Rapunzel's blouse. Stripe the sleeves with curved lines. Use several teardrop-shaped lines to draw a bow at the top of the blouse. Then draw a pair of parallel lines downward to the bottom of the blouse. Draw "X"'s between these lines, giving it the appearance of being laced up.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw the sleeve by extending a pair of lines outward from the existing portion of the sleeve. Connect them with a curved line, and draw a wavy line around the end to indicate lace. Next, draw two long, curved lines descending from the bottom of the blouse to form the skirt. Indicate folds and ripples in the fabric using additional lines.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw Rapunzel's arm. Use a series of curved lines and "U" shaped lines to enclose her arm and fingers.
Drawing Step 7

7. Continue drawing Rapunzel's long hair. Use a long curved line to outline the hair, and long and short lines to add texture.
Add More Details to Your Rapunzel from Tangled Picture - Step 8

8. Draw Rapunzel's remaining arm holding up some of her hair. First, use curved lines to outline the hair. Then, use curved lines and "U" shaped lines to draw the arm and hand.
Complete the Outline of Your Rapunzel from Tangled Drawing - Step 9

9. Finish the cascade of hair flowing over Rapunzel's arm. Use a long, curved line to outline the hair, and shorter lines to texture it. Finally, draw Rapunzel's face. Use circles within circles to form the eyes. Shade between the two smallest to indicate the pupil. Use broad curved lines for the lashes and brows. Form the nose and mouth from curved lines.
Color Your Rapunzel from Tangled Drawing

Color Rapunzel. Her hair is typically blonde, and her dress shades of purple and pink.
Then, check out our cartoon characters drawing guides, where you'll find plenty of other Disney favorites. Or, learn to design your own princess with our people drawing guides.
For more great People drawing tutorials, see the 51 Best People Drawing Tutorials post.

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Learn More About The Rapunzel from Tangled Drawing
"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!"
- Rapunzel, by the Brothers Grimm, 1812
The fairy tale of Rapunzel recounts a the captivity of a girl with long blonde hair and the prince who rescues her. Disney's Tangled (2010), on which this guide is based, is perhaps the most well-known retelling.
In Tangled, however, Rapunzel herself is a princess, and she is rescued by a thief.
The story of Rapunzel was first published in 1790, but the idea is much older. Rapunzel's tale was based on earlier fables, such as Persinette and Petrosinella, published as early as 1634.
These may have further drawn from a Persian poem from the year 977.
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Did you know? The word rapunzel was the name of a certain salad green that played a role in the original story. In other versions, the plant was parsley.
Would you like to draw Disney's Rapunzel? This easy, step-by-step cartoon character drawing tutorial is here to show you how.
All you will need is a pen, pencil, or marker and a sheet of paper.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Cartoon Princess drawing, Angel drawing, and Cupid drawing.
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