How to Draw Squirtle Pokémon

Learn how to draw a great looking Squirtle with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Squirtle.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Squirtle Pokémon

How to Draw a Great Looking Squirtle for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw Squirtle Step 01

1. Begin by drawing a circle to form Squirtle’s head. Then, define the outline of the jaw by enclosing a rounded shape just outside the circle.

Drawing Step 2

How to Draw Squirtle Step 02

2. Enclose a larger circle beneath the head, forming the body. The two shapes should overlap.

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Drawing Step 3

How to Draw Squirtle Step 03

3. Draw the arm. Enclose an irregular shape using curved lines. Notice the pointed finger at the end of the hand. Draw two more fingers within the hand using “V” shaped lines.

Drawing Step 4

How to Draw Squirtle Step 04

4. Draw the opposite arm. Enclose an irregular shape extending from the body. Notice the two pointed fingers at the tip of the hand. Draw another finger within the hand using a “V” shaped line.

Drawing Step 5

How to Draw Squirtle Step 05

5. Draw the legs. Enclose the irregular shape of the legs using curved lines. Notice the three pointed toes at the end of each foot.

Drawing Step 6

How to Draw Squirtle Step 06

6. Erase guide lines from the head and legs.

Drawing Step 7

How to Draw Squirtle Step 07

7. Detail Squirtle’s belly and shell. Enclose the edge of the shell between the head, arm, and leg using wavy lines. Detail the top of the shell with two curved lines. Then, detail the belly, or carapace, of the shell. Draw a curved line across the chest, and “V” shaped lines at the sides and bottom of the carapace. Then, draw perpendicular lines across the center.

Add More Details to Your Squirtle Picture - Step 8

How to Draw Squirtle Step 08

8. Draw Squirtle’s tail. Enclose a rounded shape, then draw a spiral line within it.

Complete the Outline of Your Squirtle Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw Squirtle Step 09

9. Detail Squirtle’s face. Use a curved line for the mouth, with tiny lines indicating the nostrils above it. Enclose rounded shapes to form the eyes, with two ovals in each. Add depth to the brow using small lines.

Color Your Squirtle Drawing

How to Draw Squirtle Step 10

10. Color your Squirtle. Squirtle is generally depicted in shades of blue, yellow, and brown.

Are you training to be the next Pokémon master? Learning to draw this and other fantastic Pokémon is a great place to start. Hone your skills with our selection of cartoon character drawing guides, where you'll discover Pikachu, Charizard, and many others. You might even find a few legendary Pokémon!

For more great Pokemon drawing tutorials, see the 18 Easy and Fun Pokemon Drawing Ideas post.

Easy, step by step Squirtle drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Squirtle Drawing

Squirtle, the Tiny Turtle Pokémon, is a Water-type Pokémon introduced in Generation I. Its name is a descriptive combination of "squirt" and "turtle."

Along with Bulbasaur and Charmander, Squirtle is one of the starter Pokémon trainers can choose from in the early Pokémon video games. Squirtle may evolve into Wartortle at level 16 and Blastoise at level 36.

Squirtle can run on all fours or walk on two legs. It can retreat into its shell for protection, or simply to take a nap. It can also squirt blasts of water from its mouth and swim through the water at high speeds.

Squirtle are rare in the wild, but can sometimes be found around ponds or on islands.

In the Pokémon animated series, Squirtle debuted in an episode entitled "Here Comes the Squirtle Squad!" Ash befriends a Squirtle who leads a gang of Pokémon abandoned by their trainers.

Ash's Squirtle often wears dark sunglasses, perhaps a popular culture reference to its Pokédex number "007." For unexplained reasons, Ash's Squirtle never evolves into its advanced forms.

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In addition to the animated series, Squirtle has been featured in the trading card game, video games, books, and many merchandising venues, such as clothing, toys, and school supplies.

Squirtle was also one of 11 Pokémon selected as mascots for the FIFA World Cup in 2014.

Would you like to draw a smiling Squirtle? This easy, step-by-step Pokémon drawing tutorial is here to help. All you will need is a pencil, a sheet of paper, and an eraser. You may also wish to color your finished drawing.

Squirtle, I choose you!

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Eevee drawing, Gengar drawing, and Umbreon drawing.

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