How to Draw The Daltons from Lucky Luke

Learn how to draw a great looking The Daltons from Lucky Luke with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect The Daltons from Lucky Luke.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing The Daltons from Lucky Luke

How to Draw a Great Looking The Daltons from Lucky Luke for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

The Daltons from Lucky Luke step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 01

1. Begin drawing the Daltons from Lucky Luke outline by sketching Averett, the tallest (and dumbest) of the cousins. Use curved lines that meet at points to form the hair.

Use additional curved lines to draw the face, ears, eyes, and oval-shaped nose. Shade the eyebrows, pupils, and narrow triangle-shaped mustache.

Drawing Step 2

The Daltons from Lucky Luke step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 02

2. Use curved lines to sketch the smiling mouth and detail inside the ears.

Then, use curved and "V" shaped lines to draw the neck, the collar of the garment, its body, and sleeves. Draw a small circle under the collar to indicate a button.

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Drawing Step 3

The Daltons from Lucky Luke step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 03

3. Use curved lines to draw Averitt's pants and shoes. The second-tallest cousin is William. Begin sketching him, using an oval for the nose and "C" shaped lines for the ears.

Outline the face and eyes with curved lines. Shade the eyebrows, pupils, and narrow triangle-shaped mustache.

Drawing Step 4

The Daltons from Lucky Luke step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 04

4. Use curved lines that meet at points to outline the hair. Use curved lines for the eyebrows, smiling mouth, inner ear, neck, and garments.

Drawing Step 5

The Daltons from Lucky Luke step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 05

5. Complete your sketch of William by using curved lines to draw the pants and shoes. Draw the next cousin, Jack.

Use curved lines to outline the eyes, oval-shaped nose, face, and frowning mouth. Shade the eyebrows, pupils, and narrow triangle-shaped mustache.

Drawing Step 6

The Daltons from Lucky Luke step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 06

6. Use curved lines that meet at points to outline the hair. Use curved lines to draw the ears, shirt, and hands.

Drawing Step 7

The Daltons from Lucky Luke step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 07

7. Complete your sketch of Jack by using curved lines to draw the pants and shoes. Finally, draw Joe, the smartest and angriest of the Dalton cousins.

Use curved lines to trace the face, ear, and mouth; and oval for the nose; and circles for the shifty eyes. hade the eyebrows, pupils, and narrow triangle-shaped mustache.

Add More Details to Your The Daltons from Lucky Luke Picture - Step 8

The Daltons from Lucky Luke step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 08

8. Use curved lines that meet at points to outline the hair. Use additional curved lines to detail the ears and draw the shirt, the hands in the pockets, and the pants.

Complete the Outline of Your The Daltons from Lucky Luke Drawing - Step 9

The Daltons from Lucky Luke step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 09

9. Complete the Daltons from Lucky Luke outline by drawing Joe's shoes and banding the shirt of each man with horizontal lines.

Color Your The Daltons from Lucky Luke Drawing

The Daltons from Lucky Luke step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 10

Color your cartoon of the Daltons from Lucky Luke. We've given our characters a classic ensemble of black and yellow stripes.

Easy, step by step The Daltons from Lucky Luke drawing tutorial
How to Draw the Daltons from Lucky Luke Pinterest Image

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Learn More About The The Daltons from Lucky Luke Drawing

Would you like to learn how to draw the Daltons from Lucky Luke? This easy, step-by-step cartoon character drawing tutorial will help you master the Daltons from Lucky Luke outline in no time.

Lucky Luke is a Western-themed comic book series that began in 1946.

The stories were made into animated films in the 1970s, live-action films in the 1990s and 2000s, and several animated television series and video games.

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Events in the comics were loosely inspired by the real-life Dalton Gang, who committed crimes during the 1890s.

The Daltons in the comics are billed as the cousins of these ruthless outlaws. Their antics are funny rather than lethal. In appearance, they are identical except for their height.

Are you ready to cowboy up your drawing skills? These classic characters are wanted dead or alive.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Doraemon drawing, Dog Man drawing, and Jimmy Neutron drawing.

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