How to Draw the Infinity Gauntlet from the Avengers

Learn how to draw a great looking The Infinity Gauntlet from the Avengers with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect The Infinity Gauntlet from the Avengers.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing the Infinity Gauntlet from the Avengers

How to Draw a Great Looking The Infinity Gauntlet from the Avengers for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw the Infinity Gauntlet from the Avengers Step 01

1. Begin by using curved lines to trace the thumb and one side of the wrist. For the thumb, double a curved line back upon itself. Overlap a longer curved line, drawing the side of the hand and wrist. Give the line a gentle point as it turns to form the cuff.

Drawing Step 2

Infinity Gauntlet from Avengers step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 2

2. Detail the thumb. Use curved lines to enclose several irregular shapes. Band the shape on the inside of the thumb with horizontal lines. Extend another line to form the palm. On the side of the hand, draw a circle within a circle, and surround it with an irregular shape. This represents the first of the Infinity Stones.

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Drawing Step 3

How to Draw the Infinity Gauntlet from the Avengers Step 03

3. Draw the forefinger by extending a long curved line and doubling it back upon itself. Then, band the finger with two curved lines, forming a shape resembling a ring.

Drawing Step 4

How to Draw the Infinity Gauntlet from the Avengers Step 04

4. Draw the remaining fingers. For each, extend a long curved line and double it back upon itself.

Drawing Step 5

How to Draw the Infinity Gauntlet from the Avengers Step 05

5. Continue detail the fingers. Draw a curved line across the base of each. Across the pointer and middle fingers, draw two sets of curved lines that resemble rings. Then, use a pair of curved lines to connect the two lower rings. Band these shapes with diagonal lines.

Drawing Step 6

How to Draw the Infinity Gauntlet from the Avengers Step 06

6. Detail the remaining fingers. Draw a pair of rings across each, erasing as necessary. Connect the bottom two using curved lines, and band the shapes created therein.

Drawing Step 7

How to Draw the Infinity Gauntlet from the Avengers Step 07

7. Draw the bottom portion of the remaining rings. Then, draw a rounded shape across each knuckle. Draw two small ovals within each shape. These represent the Infinity Stones. Draw curved lines around each to indicate the settings.

Add More Details to Your The Infinity Gauntlet from the Avengers Picture - Step 8

How to Draw the Infinity Gauntlet from the Avengers Step 08

8. Draw a large oval on the back of the hand, and two smaller ovals within it. This is the last of the Infinity Stones. Enclose irregular shapes on each side of the stone; then, enclose larger, parallel shapes around each. This forms a butterfly-like pattern. Next, enclose larger shapes-within-shapes, expanding the butterfly pattern.

Complete the Outline of Your The Infinity Gauntlet from the Avengers Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw the Infinity Gauntlet from the Avengers Step 09

9. Enclose several rectangular shapes with rounded corners on the cuff of the gauntlet. Criss-cross the cuff with long lines, forming rounded corners and pointed shapes. Band some of the shapes with diagonal lines.

Color Your The Infinity Gauntlet from the Avengers Drawing

How to Draw the Infinity Gauntlet from the Avengers Step 10

Color the Infinity Gauntlet. The gems are typically orange, green, blue, yellow, red, and purple.

Then, check out our characters drawing guides, where you can learn to draw Thanos and plenty of heroes from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Easy, step by step The Infinity Gauntlet from the Avengers drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The The Infinity Gauntlet from the Avengers Drawing

"I made what he wanted: a device capable of harnessing the power of the Stones."
-Eitri, Infinity War

Thanos was a mad Titan intent on destroying half the population of the universe. To do so, he tracked down the Infinity Stones, also called Soul Gems. The six gems are extremely powerful, "the remnants of six singularities that existed before the Big Bang. They represent Mind, Power, Reality, Soul, Space, and Time.

In order to wield the stones, Thanos has the Infinity Gauntlet forged by the Dwarves of Asgard, giving him almost unlimited power. He succeeds in his goal in an event known as the Snap.

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The Infinity Gauntlet has played a major role in a number of comic books as well as recent Marvel films, including Infinity War and End Game. Toy replicas and detailed cosplay items also allow fans young and old to wield the gauntlet.

Would you like to wield the Infinity Gauntlet? While the Infinity Gauntlet is very complex, this drawing guide breaks it into simple steps that anyone can follow. All you will need is a pencil, an eraser, and a sheet of paper.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Baby Groot drawing, The Black Panther drawing, and The Hulk drawing.

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