Free Princess Coloring Pages for Kids - 12 Printable Sheets

Have you ever dreamed of being a princess? See your dreams in living color with the help of these free princess coloring pages for kids.

Mulan Coloring Sheet

What does your reflection show? You can complete Mulan's reflection by giving her black hair, rosy cheeks and lips, and a green, blue, and red kimono.

Princess Peach from Super Mario Bros Coloring Sheet

Princess Peach has blonde or yellow hair and a bright pink dress. Her crown is golden yellow with pink and blue gemstones.

Princess Jasmine from Disney’s Aladdin Coloring Sheet

Jasmine has black hair with a blue tiara and scrunchies. She wears golden jewelry and shoes, and her outfit is light blue.

Princess Zelda Coloring Sheet

Like many video game princesses, Zelda has blonde hair, a pink dress, and gold ornaments with gemstones. Her dress also includes a purple, red, and orange tapestry featuring the Triforce.

Tiana from The Princess and The Frog Coloring Sheet

Princess Tiana has warm skin tones, brown eyes, and black hair. Her dress and tiara are yellow and green, reminiscent of water lilies.

Rapunzel from Tangled Coloring Sheet

Rapunzel is famous for her long blonde hair. She wears a dress in several shades of purple. But when her hair is cut, she quickly becomes a brunette!

Princess Celestia from My Little Pony Coloring Sheet

Princess Celestia is a white alicorn - a horse with both a unicorn's horn and the wings of a pegasus - with a green, purple, and pink mane and tail. She wears a golden crown, necklace, and ornaments on her hooves.

Cartoon Princess Coloring Sheet

This princess can be anyone you want her to be! Give her brown hair and a yellow dress like Belle from Beauty and the Beast; red hair like Ariel from The Little Mermaid, or create your very own princess character!

Merida from Brave Coloring Sheet

Merida has shockingly red hair. She wears a long blue dress and carries a brown bow and arrow. Remember, "Our fate lives within us. You only have to be brave enough to see it."

Elsa from Frozen Coloring Sheet

This ice princess has long blonde hair and a blue dress. Don't forget to perfect her pretty pink makeup. Relax as you color and "let it go."

Princess Leia Coloring Sheet

Leia is one of the bravest princesses in the galaxy. She has brown hair in a characteristic style and she wears a white dress.

Princess Coloring Sheet

Do all princesses wear pink? Far from it. Color this royal diva's dress. You can also decide on her hair color and the type of bird she is holding.

More About Princess Coloring

You will find many Disney princesses here, including Mulan, Jasmine, Tiana, Rapunzel, Merida, Elsa, and Princess Leia from Star Wars.

There are video game princesses as well. You can color Princess Zelda from The Legend of Zelda or Princess Peach from Super Mario Bros.

Not all of our favorite princesses are human! Add bright hues to Princess Celestia from My Little Pony.

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If you don't see your favorite princess on our list, you can shade the cartoon princess to match. For example, you could create Belle from Beauty and the Beast by giving her brown hair and a yellow dress.

Or, color Aurora from Sleeping Beauty with blonde hair - and a blue then pink then blue again dress that her fairy godmothers are fighting over!

If you enjoyed Free Princess Coloring Pages for Kids, Free Disney Coloring Pages for Kids are sure to be to your liking as well.

Princess Online Coloring Page

Get creative with this interactive Princess Peach coloring page. Experiment with unique color combinations and see which one looks the best!

In addition to the usual printable coloring pages, we also have online coloring available for every coloring sheet in this post!

Just scroll down, and you'll find the coloring options for each coloring page.

Princess Coloring Pages - Which One Was Your Favorite?

Which of the above princesses is most like you? You can print out these pages and color them using markers, crayons, and colored pencils. Or, you can color them online.

Bind these pages together to create your own princess-themed coloring book. Then, you can feel like royalty every time you sit down to color it.

Did you enjoy these Free Princess Coloring Pages for Kids? Then you'll love our Free People Coloring Pages for Kids too!

See a Google Web Story of this Princess Coloring Ideas Blog Post.

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