What is perspective? Find out as you flex your skills with these easy perspective drawing tutorials for kids.
In short, perspective is the direction from which you see things. In drawing, it makes your pictures appear three-dimensional.
We'll start with one-point perspective. In one-point perspective, everything appears to shrink away into a single vanishing point in the distance. You'll use lines that meet at this vanishing point to make things look smaller the farther away they are.
There are lots of different objects to practice with - shapes, landscapes, city streets, words, and indoor spaces. You can even expand your vision by looking up and drawing buildings disappearing into a perspective sky.
Then, we'll try out two-point perspective. This type of drawing has two vanishing points. Imagine standing at a street corner and looking down two perpendicular streets at once, buildings appearing smaller in the distance. In fact, that's exactly what you'll be drawing.
Finally, we'll explore what a single shape looks like when drawn from different perspectives. When you've finished all the drawings on this list, you'll have the skills you need to draw anything in perspective. Could you draw a picture with more than two perspectives? What might you dream up?
12 Easy Perspective Drawing Ideas
Easy Tunnel in One-Point Perspective
This tunnel isn't very long - you can see daylight on the other side - but it does appear to get smaller the farther in you go. That's what perspective drawing is all about!
Perspective Drawing Exercise
This tutorial is a fun warmup for perspective drawing. Learn how to draw rectangles, cubes, shapes with holes, stairs, and irregular shapes in perspective.
Easy Landscape with Perspective
Because of its simplicity, a road is a great way to give a drawing perspective. You'll notice how the shape of the house and the sizes of the trees add to the effect.
Easy Street in One Point Perspective
You drew a county road in the tutorial above - now, we'll make things a bit more complicated by adding the buildings of the big city. Interestingly, the sizes of the trees still matter.
Easy City in One-Point Perspective
Here's another chance to draw the city in perspective. This time, the buildings keep going... and going... and going until they disappear in a geometric haze.
LOVE Letters in One-Point Perspective
Have you ever doodled bubble letters in the margins of your notebook? Now you can make those drawings even more interesting with an overhead 3D perspective.
Easy Train Track in One Point Perspective
Like roads, the outer lines of train tracks are a simple way of adding perspective to a drawing. The "t" shaped telephone poles and the mountains in the distance make it a scene of classic Americana.
Easy Room in One-Point Perspective
So far, we've looked at outdoor scenes that converge far in the distance. But what about when a wall blocks the actual vanishing point? Find out with this room drawing tutorial.
Easy Buildings and Sky in One Point Perspective
We've been looking down the city street; now, look up. The buildings may not reach all the way to the vanishing point, but they do offer a towering perspective.
Easy City in Two-Point Perspective
Instead of just one street vanishing in the distance, let's draw two. Take your time as you wrap your mind around this additional perspective.
Cube in Different Perspectives
You might have thought you knew how to draw a cube, but let's explore what happens when it has one, two, or even three vanishing points. Your doodles will never be the same again.
Easy Hallway in One Point Perspective
This hallway is longer than the room above, but it still has a solid endpoint nearer than the vanishing point. Will you walk through the open door?