Learn how to draw a great looking Baby Husky with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Baby Husky.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Baby Husky

How to Draw a Great Looking Baby Husky for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the baby husky outline by drawing its face. Enclose a rounded, upside-down triangle for the pad of the nose.
Draw an "L" shaped line above it for the top of the snout. For the eye, draw two curved lines and enclose a partial oval shape between them. Indicate the pupil by shading another partial oval shape inside the eye.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw a rounded “W” shaped line under the nose to form the tip of the snout.
Draw the remaining eye, again using two curved lines and two partial oval shapes. Shade the smaller oval and contour the upper eyelids with short lines.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Use a long, curved line to draw the puppy’s head. At the side of the face, use pairs of curved lines that meet at jagged points to offer a furry texture.
Shade curved eyebrows above each eye. Enclose the open mouth using a curved line, and the tongue inside it with a rounded “M” shaped line.
Drawing Step 4

4. Extend two curved lines from the top of the head and double them back on themselves to enclose the triangular ears.
Contour each ear with a curved line. Texture the fur at the base of the nearest ear. Use pairs of curved lines that meet at points.
Drawing Step 5

5. Texture inside the remaining ear with short lines. Then, draw the dog’s body. Use curved lines for the back and belly. Outline the thick fur on the chest using several sets of connected, curved lines.
Drawing Step 6

6. Use long curved lines to sketch the front legs. Notice the jagged fur at one knee. Then, enclose the paw. Use a “C” shaped line for the top of the paw. Allow it to overlap with a “U” shaped line, defining the toes.
Drawing Step 7

7. Use overlapping curved lines to sketch the remaining forepaw and the rear leg.
Add More Details to Your Baby Husky Picture - Step 8

8. Draw a short curved line between the front paws to indicate the remaining rear paw between them. Then, use long and short curved lines to enclose the jagged fur of the fluffy tail.
Complete the Outline of Your Baby Husky Drawing - Step 9

9. Use long curved lines to add markings to the puppy’s face. Then, texture the tail with a series of short lines.
Color Your Baby Husky Drawing

Your baby husky outline is now complete. Color your drawing. Huskies are usually black, gray, brown, or blonde with white markings.
For more great cute cartoons drawing tutorials, see the collection of Easy Cute Cartoons Drawings for Kids.
Learn More About The Baby Husky Drawing
If your day needs a cuteness overload, check out this baby husky drawing guide. The simple, step-by-step instructions will help you quickly draw your new best friend.
Both Siberian and Alaskan huskies are wolf-like dogs bred for living and working in cold Arctic environments. Teams of huskies famously pull dog sleds, but they also make great pets!
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Huskies look a lot like wolves due to genetic admixture - they've been hybridized and bred with wolves centuries ago.
You can give this husky puppy a wolfish friend with this chibi wolf drawing. You can even learn how to draw Everest from Paw Patrol!
Want to sketch up a whole sled team? Learn how to draw a husky adult or check out the details in this husky face drawing.
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw an Easy Cartoon Puppy or Fox Face Drawing tutorials.
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