How to Draw a Candy Apple

Learn how to draw a great looking Candy Apple with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Candy Apple.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Candy Apple

How to Draw a Great Looking Candy Apple for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

Candy Apple step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 01

1. Begin the candy apple outline by drawing a long curved line to indicate the bottom of the apple (yes, this apple is bottoms-up).

Draw another, wavy curved line intersecting the first. This is the edge of the candy coating.

Drawing Step 2

Candy Apple step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 02

2. Continue the wavy line to meet the other side of the first line. Then, draw another curved line extending from it.

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Drawing Step 3

Candy Apple step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 03

3. Draw a long curved line to form the candy on the other side. At the bottom of the drawing, sketch a set of vertical, parallel curved lines.

Then, extend curved lines from each side of it. This is candy dripping from the apple.

Drawing Step 4

Candy Apple step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 04

4. Use a series of curved lines to enclose a puddle of candy around the base of the apple.

Drawing Step 5

Candy Apple step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 05

5. Next, draw the stick that serves as a handle for eating the apple. Draw a curved line to indicate the dimple on the bottom of the apple.

Then, extend a long curved line from the dimple and double it back upon itself to form the stick, erasing as necessary.

Drawing Step 6

Candy Apple step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 06

6. Band the stick with curved lines.

Drawing Step 7

Candy Apple step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 07

7. Draw bits of nuts or candy stuck to the candy coating. Use curved lines to enclose small irregular shapes.

Add More Details to Your Candy Apple Picture - Step 8

Candy Apple step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 09

8. Draw more sprinkles or bits of candy. Use curved lines to enclose small irregular shapes.

Complete the Outline of Your Candy Apple Drawing - Step 9

Candy Apple step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 05

9. Complete your candy apple outline by texturing the puddle of candy with curved lines.

Color Your Candy Apple Drawing

Candy Apple step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 10

Color your cartoon candy apple. We've shaded the apple red and the coating brown to resemble chocolate. Some candy apples are dipped in tan caramel or bright red hard candy.

Did you know? "Candy apple red" is a popular color of car paint. It conjures memories of this sweet treat!

Easy, step by step Candy Apple drawing tutorial
How to Draw a Candy Apple Pinterest Image

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Learn More About The Candy Apple Drawing

Sate your sweet tooth by learning how to draw a candy apple cartoon. You'll master the candy apply outline in no time with the help of this sweet treat drawing tutorial.

Along with cotton candy, candy apples, also called toffee apples, are a popular carnival and candy shop confection.

The apple may be coated with candy, caramel, or chocolate, then rolled in nuts, candy, chocolate chips, or crushed cookies.

Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.

According to one historian, candied apples were invented in the United States in 1908.

In the time since they were adopted as fall festival traditions since holidays like Halloween or Guy Fawkes Day follow the apple harvest.

You can make candy apples by puncturing ripe apples with a stick before dipping them in boiling sugar. Or, you can learn to draw one using a pencil and paper.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Hot Chocolate drawing, Cupcake drawing, and Milkshake drawing.

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