Learn how to draw a great looking Cute Cartoon Cat with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial. By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Cute Cartoon Cat. 1. Start with two ovals near the bottom of the page. Erase the bottoms of the ovals to give them a rounded bottom, then sketch two circles inside each oval. Draw a rounded triangle for the nose. 2. Draw two symmetrical curves on either side to start the head. Make a loose W shape underneath the mouth with a rounded line underneath, then sketch short lines over the eyes. 3. For each ear, draw two curves that come together in a point, then connect the ears to the body. 4. Connect the ears with a single line. Sketch round triangles for the insides of the ears, and add whiskers on each side of the face. 5. Draw identical wavy lines on either side of the body to make a vase-like shape. Sketch two loops for the paws. 6. Add two more loops for the back feet, and draw a circle inside each one. Connect the front feet with a single line. 7. For the tail, draw a swirl, then connect the swirl to the body with a curved line. 8. Sketch hill shapes on the top of the head and lines inside the front paws. 9. Draw more hill shapes on the cat's tail and body. Use a black pen or marker to complete your cute cartoon cat outline. Cats come in a wide range of colors, so you can color your cute cartoon cat outline in any color that you want. This guide recommends using pale orange for the body and darker orange for the stripes. Use off-white for the chest and front paws and pink for the ears, nose, mouth and toe pads. Cartoons are one of the easiest art forms to draw. Unlike realistic drawings, cartoons use simple shapes and bold expressions to get the point across. Once you learn how to draw a cute cartoon cat, you can use these skills to draw a variety of cartoon characters. Do you have a pet cat? If you do, you can color this cute cartoon cat outline so it looks just like your cat. You could also use different colors to make a fictional character or draw the cat that you want to have. Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial. Once you've drawn your cartoon cat, use markers, gel pens, paint, colored pencils or oil pastels to bring your picture to life. Add a background, like a blue sky and grassy field, or cut out your cat and make them part of a diorama or puppet show. If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Simple Cat drawing, Catwoman drawing, and Bobcat drawing. Join now and get immediate access to thousands of printable drawing instruction and practice pages! Learn how to get access to thousands of printable pages! Still seeing ads or not being able to download the PDF? First, check that you're logged in. You can log in on the member login page. If you're still not able to download the PDF, the likely solution is to reload the page. You can do this by clicking the browser reload button. It is a circular arrow-shaped icon at the top of the browser window, typically found in the upper-left side (you can also use keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+R on PC and Command+R on Mac).Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Cute Cartoon Cat
How to Draw a Great Looking Cute Cartoon Cat for Kids and Beginners - Step 1
Drawing Step 2
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Drawing Step 3
Drawing Step 4
Drawing Step 5
Drawing Step 6
Drawing Step 7
Add More Details to Your Cute Cartoon Cat Picture - Step 8
Complete the Outline of Your Cute Cartoon Cat Drawing - Step 9
Color Your Cute Cartoon Cat Drawing
Learn More About The Cute Cartoon Cat Drawing
Cute Cartoon Cat Drawing Tutorial - Easy & Fun Printable Pages
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