Learn how to draw a great looking Dog Outline with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Dog Outline.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Dog Outline

How to Draw a Great Looking Dog Outline for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the dog outline by sketching the face. Use one curved line for the forehead, snout, and upper lip. Use another for the lower jaw.
Detail the nose with a short line, and draw a small triangle to indicate the eye.
Drawing Step 2

2. Next, draw the ears using a series of lines that meet at points. Notice that one ear is longer than the other. Then, extend a longer line to trace the back of the neck.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Continue the line of the lower jaw to sketch the front of the neck and chest. On the dog’s back, draw a line to form the shoulder.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw the first leg. Use a series of curved lines that double back. Notice the shape of the paw and ankle.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw the remaining foreleg. Again, use a series of curved lines that doubles back upon itself.
Drawing Step 6

6. From the top of the leg, extend a long curved line to form the belly.
Drawing Step 7

7. From the shoulder, extend a long curved line to form the dog’s back. Then, use a pair of curved lines that meet at a point to form the tail.
Add More Details to Your Dog Outline Picture - Step 8

8. From the belly, extend a long curved line and double it back upon itself to form the rear leg.
Complete the Outline of Your Dog Outline Drawing - Step 9

9. Complete the dog outline by drawing the final rear leg.
Color Your Dog Outline Drawing

Color your cartoon dog outline. Beware of dog and guard dog warning signs, the dog silhouette is usually shaded black.
If you want to get creative, add details within the dog outline and shade it to match your favorite breed!
For more easy, cartoony drawing tutorials, see the collection of Cute Cartoon Drawings for Kids.
For all dog and canine drawings, see the Draw Dogs with Simple Drawing Guides page.
Learn More About The Dog Outline Drawing
Would you like to learn how to draw a dog outline? This easy, step-by-step dog profile drawing tutorial can show you how.
Dog outlines like this one are often found on beware of dog signs.
These signs are warnings that a dangerous dog is on the premises. That the dog is there is no accident. Many people keep guard dogs as a deterrent to crime.
Like those on beware of the dog signs, this dog silhouette could be taken as a German shepherd or a Doberman.
These breeds are often used as guard dogs. (Follow this drawing guide to make a German shepherd drawing.)
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw a Foo Dog or Courage the Cowardly Dog Drawing tutorials.
See also, Step-by-Step Guide To Draw A Realistic Dog.
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