Learn how to draw a great looking Girl with Glasses with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Girl with Glasses.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Girl with Glasses

How to Draw a Great Looking Girl with Glasses for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by sketching the girl’s hair. Outline the hair using long and short curved lines that meet at jagged points. Draw overlapping lines to form the bangs. For the bottom of the bangs use curved lines, and connect them using “V” shaped curved lines.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Enclose two round shapes to form the eyes. Draw short curved lines extending from the eyes, indicating eyelashes.
Drawing Step 4

4. Enclose a curved shape above each eye to indicate the eyebrows.
Drawing Step 5

5. Use a curved line to outline the nose. Draw two small circles beneath it, indicating the nostrils.
Drawing Step 6

5. Use a curved line to outline the nose. Draw two small circles beneath it, indicating the nostrils.
Drawing Step 7

7. Use curved lines to outline the frames of the glasses. Connect them in the middle using a short curved line.
Add More Details to Your Girl with Glasses Picture - Step 8

8. Extend two curved lines below the head to form the neck. Draw curved lines at an angle from the base of the neck to form the shoulders. Connect these with a long curved line.
Complete the Outline of Your Girl with Glasses Drawing - Step 9

9. Draw a “V” shaped line at the base of the neck, indicating the neck of the garment.
Color Your Girl with Glasses Drawing

Color your cartoon girl with glasses.
Do you know who else wears glasses? Clark Kent, the alter ego of Superman! Can you recognize him when he puts his glasses on?
For more great People drawing tutorials, see the 51 Easy People Art Projects for Kids post.
Learn More About The Girl with Glasses Drawing
"Judy in disguise, well that's what you are
Lemonade pie with a brand new car
Cantaloupe eyes come to me tonight
Judy in disguise, with glasses."
- "Judy in Disguise," John Fred and the Playboy Band, 1967
Eyeglasses, also called glasses or spectacles, were first invented in 1268. For nearly a thousand years, glasses have been helping people see better.
In the past, wearing glasses came with negative stereotypes, such as being a "nerd," weak or elderly. This changed during the early 1900s when American presidents and movie stars were photographed and filmed wearing glasses.
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Today, however, glasses are often seen in a positive light. People who wear glasses may be identified as "smart," as a teacher or researcher.
We can see this in popular culture. For example, the genius Gretch Grundler and the teacher Miss Grotke in the animated series Recess each wore glasses. Glasses can also symbolize maturity.
A number of people who don't need glasses for medical reasons wear them simply as a fashion statement. This is especially the case with tinted sunglasses, but transparent lenses may also be worn.
Characters such as Wonder Woman's alter ego Diana Prince and the Flash's friend Felicity Smoak have helped reframe glasses as a part of the persona of intelligent and powerful women.
Would you like to draw a cute cartoon of a girl wearing glasses? This easy, step-by-step cartoon drawing tutorial is here to show you how.
All you will need is a pen or pencil and a sheet of paper. You may also wish to color your finished drawing.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Glasses drawing, Anime Cat Girl drawing, and Barbie Doll drawing.
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