Learn how to draw a great looking Hand Covering Face with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Hand Covering Face.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Hand Covering Face

How to Draw a Great Looking Hand Covering Face for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Sketch two curves for each eye to make lemon shapes, then add thick strokes on the bottom curves for the eyelashes. Draw a thick curve over each eye for the eyebrows.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw two narrow cylinders with rounded ends for the fingers. Sketch an oval for each fingernail.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Repeat the previous step for two more fingers, making the fingers bend slightly. Draw a cartoon hand separately to learn more about hand anatomy.
Drawing Step 4

4. For the thumb, make a final cylinder and complete the hand with a curve. Use vertical lines for the arm. Sketch dashes around the nose and over the knuckles.
Drawing Step 5

5. To outline the face, start with a vertical line, then curve it downward to make an egg shape. Use straight lines with rounded ends for the neck and shoulders. Add a curve for the shirt collar.
Drawing Step 6

6. For the hair, draw a curved diagonal line, then sketch a longer curved diagonal line that points in the opposite direction. Sketch a lock of hair between these lines. Add two more lines and a curve to the shirt.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw two hill shapes on top of the head, then connect the hair to the body with wavy lines to make the hair loose and flowing.
Add More Details to Your Hand Covering Face Picture - Step 8

8. Sketch more curved lines to give the cartoon hair depth and texture.
Complete the Outline of Your Hand Covering Face Drawing - Step 9

9. Complete the hair with more curved lines.
Color Your Hand Covering Face Drawing

Finally, outline your hand covering your face with a black pen or marker, then erase the pencil sketch. Make the eyebrows and eyelashes black.
Use your favorite skin and hair colors to color the outline. Add shadows to make your hand covering face look realistic. This guide suggests blue, but you can use any color for the T-shirt.

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Learn More About The Hand Covering Face Drawing
Covering your face with your hand is the universal symbol of "Wow. Seriously?" Learn how to draw a hand covering face so you can visualize your frustration.
When you're feeling an emotion, your body reacts in ways that show people what you're thinking.
For example, if you're bored, you might yawn because you're tired. Other examples include folding your arms, rolling your eyes and stepping away from people you don't like.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
The "facepalm" is a famous form of body language that's become an Internet meme. Sometimes, you're so frustrated that all you can do is drop your face in your hands.
This guide shows you how to draw a cartoon version of this famous gesture. When you're done, try drawing other gestures, like praying hands or a thinking face.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Laughing Emoji with Hands drawing, Heart Hands drawing, and Washing Hands drawing.
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