How to Draw a Hand Outline
Raise your hand, wave, give me a five - this drawing could be any of those gestures. You can learn how to draw a hand outline with the help of this easy... Read more
Raise your hand, wave, give me a five - this drawing could be any of those gestures. You can learn how to draw a hand outline with the help of this easy... Read more
A zombie hand emerging from the grave is classic horror movie imagery. Learn how to draw a zombie hand coming out of the ground to scare your friends.
Zombie skin rots away, revealing the... Read more
Do you have love and weddings on the brain? You can learn how to draw a hand with a ring and show off your... Read more
Take a look at your hands. Bend your fingers and see how they move. Your hands are truly a marvel. You can use them to color these free hand-coloring pages for kids... Read more
Hands are expressive. Renderings of hands are among the oldest art forms. You can get in on the trend with these hand-drawing ideas with step-by-step tutorials... Read more
Give yourself a hand - literally! You can learn how to draw a cartoon hand with the help of this easy, step-by-step drawing tutorial. This hand uses simple curved lines for the palm...
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Covering your face with your hand is the universal symbol of "Wow. Seriously?" Learn how to draw a hand.. Read more
The next time you talk to someone, pay attention to your hands. Do they just sit still, or do you move them? That's right - hand gestures are an important part of communication... Read more
Thanos may have wreaked havoc on the galaxy with a single snap of his fingers, but you can use yours to spread some love. This finger heart drawing guide can show you how.... Read more
LOL! If you need to express yourself without words, you can learn how to draw a laughing emoji with hands outline to show you are in good spirits! Simply follow the steps of this easy emoji drawing guide... Read more
This gesture involves the linking of the pinky fingers together symbolizing that the finger could be broken or cut off if the promise isn't kept... Read more
How can you use your hands to say "I love you"? You could use American Sign Language, folding the middle and ring fingers across the palm while extending the thumb, pointer finger, and pinky. You could hold hands with your loved one, or you could fold your hands in prayer... Read more
The sword is one of the most famous hand weapons in history. Though their exact designs differed according to time and place, swords were used for thousands of years. Each sword consists of a blade, longer than that of a dagger, attached to a handle with a guard to protect the hand... Read more
Hand washing or hand hygiene is important to everyone's health. Long ago, before the discovery of germs, people thought that sickness was caused by "miasma" or "bad air." It wasn't until the mid-1800s that doctors and nurses realized how important handwashing was in protecting their patients from infection... Read more
Human hands are unique appendages. We have a prehensile thumb, for example, set at an angle that allows us to grasp objects and expertly operate tools... Read more
Thumb signals, such as the thumbs up and thumbs down, are common throughout the world... Read more
Handcuffs of various types have been used to restrain prisoners since ancient times. The earliest was the "figure eight" handcuff, which was often made of twisted ropes tied around the wrists... Read more
Prayer is an act that is universal to all religions, throughout human history. The Encyclopaedia Britannica describes prayer as... Read more
The fist is the gesture formed when the fingers and thumb are curled inwards into the palm of the hand. What does this gesture... Read more
Holding hands is a form of nonverbal communication, a gesture whose meaning varies widely depending on culture. Children from... Read more