Learn how to draw a great looking Horse Rearing with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Horse Rearing.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Horse Rearing

How to Draw a Great Looking Horse Rearing for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the horse rearing outline by drawing the horse's head. Use a curved line to draw the front of the face and the nose. Draw the nostril by shading a curved shape like a comma or an apostrophe.
Outline the eye, pointed at the corners, using two curved lines. Shade the round pupil inside it.
Drawing Step 2

2. Use a curved line to sketch this simple horse's lower lip and jaw. Then, draw each ear by extending two curved lines and allowing them to meet at points.
Sketch the mane between the ears, using short curved lines that meet at jagged points.
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Drawing Step 3

3. From the bottom of the head, extend a long curved line to sketch the neck and chest of the cartoon horse. Then, draw overlapping curved lines to form the front of the curled leg.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw the back of the leg using a curved line. Band the bottom of the leg with a curved line, indicating the horse's hoof. Then, extend the line of the chest beyond the leg to form the horse's belly.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw a very long line from the back of the horse's head to trace the back of the neck, the back, and the back of the rear leg. Then, double the line back upon itself to fully enclose the leg.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw the remaining foreleg. Use a curved line and double it back upon itself. Band it at the bottom with a curved line to indicate the hoof.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw the final leg. Extend a curved line from the horse's belly and double it back on itself to fully enclose the leg. and it at the bottom with a curved line to indicate the hoof.
Add More Details to Your Horse Rearing Picture - Step 8

8. Draw the horse's mane. Use a series of curved lines of different lengths. Allow them to meet at sharp points. Then, extend short curved lines from the back of the neck to lend the texture of hair to the mane.
Complete the Outline of Your Horse Rearing Drawing - Step 9

9. Complete your horse rearing outline by drawing its tail. Like the mane, use a series of curved lines of different lengths. Allow them to meet at sharp points. Texture the tail with curved lines.
Color Your Horse Rearing Drawing

Color your cartoon of a rearing horse. We've patterned ours after the speckled appaloosa or the dappled grey. What color will your horse be?
Learn More About The Horse Rearing Drawing
Would you like to learn how to draw a horse rearing? A so-called fighting stallion is a magnificent sight. You can master drawing a horse rearing outline with the help of this easy equine drawing tutorial.
What does it mean when a horse rears? Rearing is when a horse stands up on its back legs. It may also keck with its front feet.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Why do horses rear? Stallions or male horses may rear up and kick at each other to establish dominance - to determine which horse is the boss.
Horses may also rear to get away from something that frightened them or to try to get something - like a saddle or even a rider - off their back.
And occasionally, they rear up and paw the air because they are feeling playful.
Most riders never want their horses to rear. It can result in dangerous falls. But in circuses or for other performances, horses may be taught to stand up in this way.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Farm drawing, Buffalo drawing, and Hippo drawing.
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