Learn how to draw a great looking Unicorn Girl with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial. By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Unicorn Girl. 1. Begin the unicorn girl outline by drawing the girl's large eyes. Draw two sets of parallel curved lines, forming the tops and bottoms of the eyes. Then, enclose the eyes, using curved lines for the sides. Within each eye, draw three successively smaller ovals. Shade the large oval to indicate the pupil. 2. Use curved lines to outline and detail the cartoon girl's face. Use short lines for the eyelids, eyebrows, nose, and mouth, and long lines for the chin and hair. 3. Use overlapping long curved lines to enclose the girl's hair. Use shorter lines to enclose and detail the eyes. From the middle of her hair, extend two curved lines upward. Allow them to meet at a point, forming a triangle shape. This is the unicorn horn. 4. Texture the hair with curved lines. Then, use curved lines to enclose the girl's neck and the rounded collar of her garment. 5. Continue to draw the girl's dress. Use curved lines to outline the puffy sleeves and their lacey details, the torso, and the arm. 6. Use curved lines to trace the girl's fingers and her remaining arm. 7. Complete the girl's hand, then sketch the skirt of her dress. Use a series of curved lines for the waistband, the sides of the skirt, and its scalloped edge. Then, extend a pair of curved lines to form the leg. 8. Detail the skirt with curved lines. Sketch the remaining leg, and enclose each leg with a round foot. Draw a half-oval shape across the top of the foot to indicate the shoes. 9. Complete your unicorn girl outline by banding the horn with curved lines to indicate a spiral shape. Lengthen the girl's hair, using curved lines that meet at jagged points. Texture the bottom of the skirt with curved lines. Color your unicorn girl cartoon. We've given our character rainbow-tinted hair and a dress to match. For more great fantasy drawing tutorials, see the collection of Easy Fantasy Drawing Guides. Why be normal when you can be a unicorn? You can learn how to draw a unicorn girl cartoon with the help of this easy, step-by-step drawing guide. For centuries, people have dreamed of the mythological creatures known as unicorns. The first unicorns were depicted as goats or small horses with a single horn on their foreheads. These fantastic beasts were probably inspired by real-life animals such as the rhinoceros and the narwhal. In ancient times, many people believed the unicorn to be a real animal living in India, Africa, or deep in the forests of Europe. Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial. They were said to be very rare and nearly impossible to capture - only a young girl with a pure heart would be able to tame them. Today, that young girl has become a unicorn herself! The term "unicorn" is used to describe something that is very rare and special. Everybody can be a unicorn! Learn how to draw a standard unicorn, or try this alicorn drawing (a winged unicorn). If you want even more inspiration, take a look at this unicorn whale drawing guide (the narwhal, a real-life animal that the unicorn's horn was based on). For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw Rarity from My Little Pony or Princess Celestia from My Little Pony drawing tutorials. Join now and get immediate access to thousands of printable drawing instruction and practice pages! Learn how to get access to thousands of printable pages! Still seeing ads or not being able to download the PDF? First, check that you're logged in. You can log in on the member login page. If you're still not able to download the PDF, the likely solution is to reload the page. You can do this by clicking the browser reload button. It is a circular arrow-shaped icon at the top of the browser window, typically found in the upper-left side (you can also use keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+R on PC and Command+R on Mac).Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Unicorn Girl
How to Draw a Great Looking Unicorn Girl for Kids and Beginners - Step 1
Drawing Step 2
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Drawing Step 3
Drawing Step 4
Drawing Step 5
Drawing Step 6
Drawing Step 7
Add More Details to Your Unicorn Girl Picture - Step 8
Complete the Outline of Your Unicorn Girl Drawing - Step 9
Color Your Unicorn Girl Drawing
Learn More About The Unicorn Girl Drawing
Unicorn Girl Drawing Tutorial - Easy & Fun Printable Pages
How to Draw a Unicorn Girl
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