Learn how to draw a great looking Unicorn with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Unicorn.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Unicorn

How to Draw a Great Looking Unicorn for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the cartoon unicorn outline by sketching the face. Use curved lines to contour the brow, snout, mouth, and jaw.
Then draw the eye. Use curved lines to create a double-pointed shape. Enclose a partial circle within it, and use short lines to sketch eyelashes at the corner.
You can learn more about how to draw a realistic horse head here.
Drawing Step 2

2. Next, draw the unicorn’s horn. Use curved lines to enclose the narrow triangle shape.
Then, use pairs of curved lines that meet at points to draw locks of the mane on each side of the horn. Contour the nostrils and the side of the face with short lines.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Draw the animal’s ears. For the far ear, draw three lines that meet at a blunt point. For the near ear, start with a double-pointed shape.
Then use a long curved line for the outer edge of the ear and the horse’s neck.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw the mane along the neck. Use long and short curved lines that meet at jagged points.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw the unicorn’s front legs using long curved lines. Note the bulges of the shoulder, knee, ankle, foot, and hoof. Also, notice the “V” shaped cleft in the hoof.
Drawing Step 6

6. Use a long curved line for the belly and contour the shoulder with shorter lines.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw the rear leg, again using a pair of long lines. Connect them at the bottom with short curved lines and a “V” shaped line, forming the hoof.
Add More Details to Your Unicorn Picture - Step 8

8. Draw a long curved line from the horse’s snout to its rear leg, completing the outline of the body.
Then draw the remaining rear leg, again using two long, curved lines connected by a short line at the bottom.
Complete the Outline of Your Unicorn Drawing - Step 9

9. Draw the unicorn’s tail. Use curved lines of different lengths that meet at jagged points. Texture the tail with curved lines.
Color Your Unicorn Drawing

Your cartoon unicorn outline is now complete. Color your mystical friend. Often, unicorns have white fur and candy-colored manes and tails. We’ve given ours a pink mane and tail with blue eyes and a blue horn.
Learn More About The Unicorn Drawing
Why draw something ordinary when you can draw a unicorn? This easy, step-by-step unicorn drawing tutorial is here to show you the way.
Modern unicorns resemble horses with a single horn in the middle of their heads. In the past, though, unicorns were more like goats.
We can still see this influence in our unicorn's split hoof - it is cloven like a goat's hoof instead of solid like a horse's hoof.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
This illustration is of a very detailed and realistic unicorn. The steps are easy to follow, but if you are a beginner, you might want to check out this easy cute unicorn drawing first.
This unicorn doesn't have to be your last. You can learn how to draw a unicorn jumping over a rainbow or discover how to draw a realistic pegasus, the unicorn's winged friend.
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