Learn how to draw a great looking Wild Rose with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Wild Rose.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Wild Rose

How to Draw a Great Looking Wild Rose for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the wild rose outline by sketching the fuzzy flower center. Use a series of small "U" shaped lines to enclose the round shape.
Then, Use overlapping curved lines to begin sketching the petals. Notice that each petal has a small indentation on its outer edge.
Drawing Step 2

2. Continue drawing the indented petals until you have a total of five. Use overlapping curved lines.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Next, detail your flower. Draw the pollen-containing anthers. For each, extend a short curved line from the center. Then, draw a small oval at the tip of each line.
Texture the petals with curved lines and draw leaves around the flowers. For each leaf, extend two curved lines from the flower and allow them to meet at a sharp point.
Draw a line down the center of each leaf to indicate the veins.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw stems. For each stem, extend a pair of curved lines. Then, draw leaves along the stems. Enclose the teardrop shape of each leaf, then draw a curved line down its center.
Drawing Step 5

5. Finish drawing teardrop-shaped leaves along the stems. Connect them to the main stem by drawing the curved lines of the leaf veins.
Then, draw a second rose blossom. Again, begin with the center of the flower. Use a series of small "U" shaped lines to enclose the round shape. Use a curved line to sketch the first petal.
Drawing Step 6

6. Continue to draw the petals using a series of overlapping curved lines.
Drawing Step 7

7. Detail the second flower. Draw the pollen-containing anthers. For each, extend a short curved line from the center. Then, draw a small oval at the tip of each line.
Texture the petals with curved lines and draw leaves around the flowers. For each leaf, extend two curved lines from the flower and allow them to meet at a sharp point.
Draw a line down the center of each leaf to indicate the veins.
Add More Details to Your Wild Rose Picture - Step 8

8. Continue drawing stems and leaves. For each stem, extend a pair of curved lines. Then, draw leaves along the stems. Enclose the teardrop shape of each leaf, then draw a curved line down its center.
Complete the Outline of Your Wild Rose Drawing - Step 9

9. Complete your wild rose outline by drawing the final leaves. Enclose the teardrop shape of each and draw the vein down the center.
Color Your Wild Rose Drawing

Color your cartoon of a wild rose. We've shaded ours light pink.
Did you enjoy this plant drawing tutorial? Check out this visually similar dogwood flower drawing tutorial. Despite a similar form, dogwood flowers only have four petals.
For more great Roses drawing tutorials, see the 50 Easy Roses Drawing Tutorials post.
For more easy rose drawing tutorials, see the collection of Art Projects to Make Cute Roses.
For all flower drawings, see the Simple Tutorials to Help You Draw Flowers page.
Learn More About The Wild Rose Drawing
Would you like to learn how to draw a wild rose? This easy, step-by-step floral drawing tutorial can help you master the wild rose outline.
There are 100 to 150 rose species, but only about 10 of them were used in the cultivation of the garden rose. That means there are a lot of wild rose types!
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
As you draw this old-fashioned flower, you will notice that it doesn't look much like the roses that fill bouquets in flower shops.
Wild roses typically have a single layer of just five petals while cultivated roses are double, with multiple sets of petals that give the flower a "full" appearance.
Despite their smaller flower size, wild roses do have one advantage - their smell! Many cultivated roses have lost their sweet scent as they were selected for size and color.
But wild roses use their perfume to attract beneficial pollinators.
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw a Rainbow Rose or Simple Quick Rose Drawing tutorials.
See also For Kids: Drawing a Rose Made Easy.
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