Learn how to draw a great looking Tom from Tom and Jerry with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Tom from Tom and Jerry.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Tom from Tom and Jerry

How to Draw a Great Looking Tom from Tom and Jerry for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by sketching Tom's face. Use curved lines to draw the forehead, cheek, and chin. Use short, overlapping curved lines that meet at jagged points to indicate the fur tufts on the side of the face.
Drawing Step 2

2. Detail Tom's mouth. Use "U" shaped lines to draw the lower jaw and inner mouth. Enclose a peanut shape and an open "U" shape above this. Finally, sketch the nose within the peanut shape.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Draw Tom's ears. Use curved lines to sketch the triangular shapes of the ears. Then, use a long, curved line to draw the inner portion of the near ear. Detail the inner ear further with short, curved lines that meet at points. Use curved lines that meet at points to draw tufts of fur sticking up between the ears.
Drawing Step 4

4. Use long, curved lines to sketch Tom's torso. Notice how the lines converge and overlap between the chest and abdomen.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw Tom's arm, erasing as necessary. Use two lines for the upper arm and two for the lower. Notice how they overlap at the bent elbow. Use curved lines to draw the back and palm of the hand, and "U" shaped lines for the fingers. Draw a zigzag line at the wrist.
Drawing Step 6

6. Use long, curved lines to draw the remaining arm. Notice how short lines that meet at a jagged point are used to give the texture of fur. Use "U" shaped lines to enclose the fingers and thumb, and draw a zigzag line along the wrist.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw Tom's legs. Use a series of short lines that meet at jagged points to draw the legs, bent at the knees. Then, use curved lines to sketch the feet and "U" shaped lines to enclose the toes. Use a curved line to enclose the pad on the bottom of the raised foot.
Add More Details to Your Tom from Tom and Jerry Picture - Step 8

8. Use a long, curved line to outline the spot on Tom's belly. Use a pair of curved lines that meet at a point to draw the tail. Draw a zigzag line near the tip.
Complete the Outline of Your Tom from Tom and Jerry Drawing - Step 9

9. Detail Tom's face. Use curved lines to draw a tongue within the mouth and whiskers extending from each side of the nose. Enclose three successively smaller partial ovals to form the eyes, shading the smallest to indicate the pupil. Draw curved lines between the eyes, and enclose a curved shape above each eye to indicate the eyebrows.
Color Your Tom from Tom and Jerry Drawing

Color Tom. He is typically grey with white markings on his hands, feet, face, and tail. Then, learn to draw more of your favorite cartoon characters!
For more great Cat drawing tutorials, see the 25 Cute Cat Drawing Designs post.

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Learn More About The Tom from Tom and Jerry Drawing
Tom and Jerry was introduced in 1940. The cartoon shorts feature a cat named Tom and a mouse named Jerry. Games of "cat and mouse" are, of course, the order of the day.
Did you know? Tom's name was originally "Jasper," and Jerry was called "Jinx." The name Tom was aptly chosen, as it is both simple and a term used to refer to a male cat. "Tom and Jerry" was also an English term for 'riotous youth.'
The nearly 200 Tom and Jerry short cartoons have won numerous Academy Awards. Tom and Jerry have also starred in numerous television series and more than 13 feature-length films. They have also appeared in video games, comic books, and a Japanese musical.
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Would you like to draw Tom from that dynamic duo, Tom and Jerry? Doing so is easy with the help of this simple, step-by-step cartoon character drawing tutorial. All you will need is a pencil, an eraser, and a sheet of paper.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Hello Kitty drawing, Stitch from Lilo and Stitch drawing, and Winnie the Pooh drawing.
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