You don't have to spend a lot of money at the store to send someone a nice greeting card. You can take advantage of these easy greeting card drawing tutorials to make your own.
On what occasions should you send a card? Many people do so on holidays, such as New Year's, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas. Others do so on a person's birthday.
But you don't have to wait for a special occasion to send someone a card. You can do so anytime, just to show you care. How?
Pick one of the cards below and adjust the wording to match what you want to say. For example, the bouquet of heart flowers on the Mother's Day card below would also make a lovely Get Well Soon card.
Or, you could change the banner words on the Valentine's Day card to make a wedding or anniversary card.

How can you make your card really special? Fold a sheet of paper in half, and draw your picture on the front. Or, you can draw on regular paper and paste your drawing to the front of a folded sheet of construction paper. Either way, you can write your message inside.

Everyone loves getting cards, and these will be even more special because of the time and energy it took to make them by hand.
10 Easy Greeting Cards Drawing Ideas
Easy Christmas Card
This card includes classic Christmas imagery - ribbons and bows, bells, Christmas tree ornaments, candles, and stars.
Easy Mother's Day Card
Flowers are nice, and so are hearts. That makes heart-shaped flowers twice as nice! The butterflies around them add a cheerful effect.
Valentine's Day Card
Hearts are the primary symbol of Valentine's Day, and this card has plenty of them. Write your message on the triple-layered banner.
Happy New Year Card
This card looks like a party! There are streamers, string lights, confetti, party hats, a disco ball, and plenty of presents.
Thanksgiving Card
Fall leaves and acorns set the tone, while the turkey and the pumpkin set the table. You can write a message of your choice on the scroll-like banner.
Earth Day Card
When is Earth Day? Your friends probably don't know, either. Remind them to give the Earth a hug with this cute card.
Merry Christmas Card
If you're sending a lot of Christmas cards, here's another merry design. It features Santa Claus holding a sack of toys with a Christmas tree in the background.
VE Day Card
Whether joyous or solemn, you can remember Victory in Europe Day with the vintage-style artwork of this card.
Happy Birthday Card
Here's another party on paper! This card features a tiered birthday cake with candles, pennants, balloons, party hats, and presents.
Father's Day Card
Is your dad a super dad? If so, don't get him a tie this year. Draw him wearing an "F" for a super-father tie.

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