Learn how to draw a great looking Cute Cartoon Bear with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Cute Cartoon Bear.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Cute Cartoon Bear

How to Draw a Great Looking Cute Cartoon Bear for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the cute cartoon bear outline by sketching the head. Notice the gentle points at the brow and cheek.
Drawing Step 2

2. Use a curved line to draw the bear's cheek. Then, use a series of curved lines to begin drawing the furry chest.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Use curved lines to continue outlining the body of the bear. Conture the chest and draw the stomach, as well as the beginning of the lower leg.
Drawing Step 4

4. Use a long curved line to draw the bear's back. Curve it around at the bottom to double back and meet the leg, forming the foot or paw. Detail the toes with curved lines.
Drawing Step 5

5. Use a curved line to outline the remaining rear leg. Detail the toes with a curved line.
Drawing Step 6

6. Use "C" shaped lines to draw the bear's ears. Detail the insides of the ears using curved lines.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw the bear's eyes. Outline each eye using two curved lines. Then, draw a circle within a circle inside each eye.
Shade between the two circles to indicate the pupil. Draw a curved line above each eye to form the eyebrows.
Add More Details to Your Cute Cartoon Bear Picture - Step 8

8. Draw a circle for the bear's nose, with curved lines above and below it to form the snout. Place a short line at the corner of the smiling mouth.
Complete the Outline of Your Cute Cartoon Bear Drawing - Step 9

9. Complete your cute cartoon bear outline by drawing the arms, erasing as necessary.
Use curved lines to sketch the arms, with overlapping lines indicating the fingers. Detail the pad of the waving paw by drawing a round shape.
Color Your Cute Cartoon Bear Drawing

Color your simple bear cartoon. We've shaded ours brown. Bears may also be black, white, blonde, reddish, or a combination of colors.
For more great Cute cartoons drawing tutorials, see the 51 Cute cartoons Designs post.
Learn More About The Cute Cartoon Bear Drawing
"I'm smarter than the average bear." - Yogi Bear
Would you like to learn how to draw a cute cartoon bear? With the help of this wildlife drawing tutorial, you'll soon master the cute cartoon bear outline.
Many cartoon bears get in trouble in their search for food! Yogi Bear was notorious for stealing picnic baskets from campers. Winnie the Pooh often angered the bees while trying to steal their honey.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Sadly, cartoon bears aren't the only ones who get into trouble. When bears get a taste for human food, they may approach hikers or campers, break into cars, or even try to enter buildings in search of it.
What can you do? Don't feed the bears! Never offer food to a wild animal. Don't throw food or trash on the ground; store it or dispose of it in a safe place.
This is vitally important because bears who steal food are often relocated or even euthanized to avoid dangerous conflicts with people.
Can you raise awareness by drawing this cute cartoon bear?
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Cartoon Polar Bear drawing, Bear Face drawing, and Baby Bear drawing.
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