Learn how to draw a great looking Furry with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Furry.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Furry

How to Draw a Great Looking Furry for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the furry outline by drawing the wolf's eye. Use curved lines to sketch a triangular shape, then enclose two circles inside it. Shade the smaller circle to indicate the pupil.
Drawing Step 2

2. Contour the eyelid with a curved line, then draw two curved lines in an inverted "T" shape to begin the nose. Beside it, outline the remaining eye. Draw two circles inside it, and shade the smaller one.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Contour the eyelid with a curved line. Then, enclose the irregular round shape of the nose. Contour it with a curved line. Use a "W" shaped line to complete the snout and smiling mouth. Use short lines to contour below the nose and the corner of the mouth.
Drawing Step 4

4. Use a long curved line to draw the jaw, and a series of curved lines to sketch the furry side of the head. Shade narrow ovals within the nose to indicate nostrils. Enclose a pointed, curved shape above each eye, then shade the shapes to indicate eyebrows.
Drawing Step 5

5. Use a series of connected, curved lines to draw the tuft of hair falling across the forehead, the large triangular ear, and the tufts of fur at the base of the ear.
Drawing Step 6

6. Finish drawing the hair on top of the head, again using curved lines that meet at jagged points. Then, use curved lines to draw the remaining ear and the furry texture at its base.
Drawing Step 7

7. Detail inside the ears with several series of curved lines that meet at jagged points. Use similar lines to sketch the fur at the side of the face.
Add More Details to Your Furry Picture - Step 8

8. Continue drawing jagged lines indicating fur at the base of the head and across the shoulders.
Complete the Outline of Your Furry Drawing - Step 9

9. Use curved lines - individually and in jagged series - to texture the fur of the ears, head, and chest.
Color Your Furry Drawing

Your cartoon furry outline is now complete. Color your furry character. You could use realistic colors for wolves or dogs, or get creative with unnatural colors like the blue hair in our drawing.
For more great cute & easy animal drawing tutorials, see the collection of Easy Animal Drawing Guides.
Learn More About The Furry Drawing
Are you a proud member of the furry community? Create your own fan art with the help of this easy, step-by-step furry drawing guide.
The furry fandom is an animation enthusiast subculture focused on anthropomorphic animals - those with human facial expressions, lifestyles, and intelligence.
You can use this drawing to tell a story or create your own "fursona." If you enjoy th
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
You can use this drawing to tell a story or create your own "fursona." If you enjoy this drawing guide, check out our anime cat girl drawing.
Or, you can learn how to draw other anthropomorphic animals. Learn how to draw a fox face - a popular furry species. Or check out this red panda Mei Lee from Turning Red drawing.
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw an Easy Cute Character or Easy Super Sonic Face Drawing tutorials.
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