Learn how to draw a great looking Hand Outline with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Hand Outline.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Hand Outline

How to Draw a Great Looking Hand Outline for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the hand outline by drawing two vertical lines. These will become the wrist of the hand.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw a curved line from each side of the wrist. Notice that one has a steeper angle than the other and that it overlaps rather than meets the wrist.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Extend the steeply angled line, doubling it back on itself. Then, extend another curved line from its end, forming a "V" shape. These lines indicate the thumb and side of the palm.
Drawing Step 4

4. Extend a long curved line from the palm and double it back on itself, forming the pointer finger.
Drawing Step 5

5. From the bottom of the finger, extend another line and double it back on itself, forming the middle finger. Then, double the line back on itself again, forming the side of the ring finger.
Drawing Step 6

6. Continue the line of the ring finger, doubling it back on itself. Then, double it back two more times before connecting to the side of the hand, forming the pinky finger.
Drawing Step 7

7. Detail the palm of the hand. Draw a curved line near the base of the thumb and another at the top of the wrist.
Add More Details to Your Hand Outline Picture - Step 8

8. Draw another long curved line across the top of the hand, and short lines at the base of each finger.
Complete the Outline of Your Hand Outline Drawing - Step 9

9. Detail the joints of the fingers by drawing two short lines on each finger and one on the thumb.
Color Your Hand Outline Drawing

Your hand outline is now complete. Color your drawing.
For more great hand drawing tutorials, see the collection of Easy Hand Drawing Guides.
Learn More About The Hand Outline Drawing
Raise your hand, wave, give me a five - this drawing could be any of those gestures. You can learn how to draw a hand outline with the help of this easy, step-by-step drawing tutorial.
It can be challenging to get the hand's proportion right. This tutorial breaks it down into a simple outline with a few lines of detail to give it dimension.
Once you've mastered this basic flattened hand, you can expand your skills by learning how to draw hand gestures. For example, you could create a fist drawing or a snapping finger drawing.
Of course, some gestures require two hands, doubling the challenge. Create a praying hands drawing or a heart hands drawing using both of the same person's hands.
Or, get really creative when you learn how to draw holding hands - with each hand belonging to a different person. How might you color your drawing to indicate who the hand belongs to?
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw a Christmas Tree Outline or Dragon Outline Drawing tutorials.
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