How to Draw a Hatchimal

Learn how to draw a great looking Hatchimal with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Hatchimal.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Hatchimal

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How to Draw a Great Looking Hatchimal for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to draw a hatchimal Step: 1

1. Begin by drawing a circle. This will help you sketch the Hatchimal's head.

Drawing Step 2

How to draw a hatchimal Step: 2

2. Draw a curved line across the bottom of the circle, extending beyond the shape on both sides. This outlines the top of the Hatchimal's egg.

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Drawing Step 3

How to draw a hatchimal Step: 3

3. Draw a wide "U" shaped line connecting the ends of the line drawn in the previous step. This encloses the bottom half of the eggshell.

Drawing Step 4

How to draw a hatchimal Step: 4

4. Draw a narrow horizontal oval beside the eggshell. This will become the opening of the top of the egg that has fallen to the side.

Drawing Step 5

How to draw a hatchimal Step: 5

5. Draw a wide "U" shaped line connecting the ends of the oval drawn in the previous step. This completes the outline of the top of the Hatchimal's egg.

Drawing Step 6

How to draw a hatchimal Step: 6

6. Draw a series of jagged lines that meet at sharp points all along the outside of the oval, some above and some below its lines. This outlines the broken eggshell at the edges.

Drawing Step 7

How to draw a hatchimal Step: 7

7. Erase the guide lines of the narrow oval, leaving the clean outline of the broken Hatchimal egg.

Drawing Step 8

How to draw a hatchimal Step: 8

8. Draw two layers of jagged lines along the top of the larger piece of Hatchimal egg. This outlines the broken eggshells along the opening.

Drawing Step 9

How to draw a hatchimal Step: 9

9. Erase the guide line from this portion of the Hatchimal egg.

Drawing Step 10

How to draw a hatchimal Step: 10

10. Begin to detail the Hatchimal's face. Use a series of connected curved lines to enclose a furry heart shape within the original circle.

Drawing Step 11

How to draw a hatchimal Step: 11

11. Use a curved line to enclose an irregular shape within the Hatchimal's face. This will become its mouth or beak.

Drawing Step 12

How to draw a hatchimal Step: 12

12. Draw a curved line beneath the irregular shape, enclosing the bottom portion of the beak.

Drawing Step 13

How to draw a hatchimal Step: 13

13. Draw two small ovals above the beak to outline the Hatchimal's eyes.

Drawing Step 14

How to draw a hatchimal Step: 14

14. Draw a small circle within each eye. Notice how the circles are on the right side of each eye.

Drawing Step 15

How to draw a hatchimal Step: 15

15. Shade large ovals within each eye, indicating the pupils.

Drawing Step 16

How to draw a hatchimal Step: 16

16. Use a series of curved lines that meet at points to draw a tuft of fur or feathers on top of the Hatchimal's head.

Drawing Step 17

How to draw a hatchimal Step: 17

17. Erase part of the circle beneath the tuft and replace it with a series of curved lines. This gives the head a more furry appearance. Then, contour the top of the head and around the eyes with curved lines.

Drawing Step 18

How to draw a hatchimal Step: 18

18. Draw jagged, irregular shapes all over the ground. These are pieces of the eggshell.

Drawing Step 19

How to draw a hatchimal Step: 19

19. Shade dots of different sizes all over the eggs and the broken pieces of shell.

Drawing Step 20

How to draw a hatchimal Step: 20

20. Color your cartoon Hatchimal.

For more great Fantasy drawing tutorials, see the 51 Easy Fantasy Drawing Tutorials post.

Easy, step by step Hatchimal drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Hatchimal Drawing

"Time to Hatch a new friend!"
- Penguala, Adventures in Hatchtopia

Hatchimals are interactive robotic toys that "hatch" from their own eggs. The idea arose from the popularity of unboxing videos on YouTube - Hatchimals would be a toy that could "unbox" themselves after interacting with their new owner over a period of time.

Introduced in 2016, they quickly saw a high demand that rivaled other sought-after toys like Tickle Me Elmo.

Hatchimals are from the fictional world of Hatchtopia. Originally, there were five species based on mash-ups of real-world animals: the Owlicorn, Penguala, Draggle, Burtle, and Bearakeet.

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The Hatchimals lineup now includes more Hatchimals species, small plastic figurines, fairies, and much more. They also star in their own cartoon series.

Our drawing guide illustrations feature the Penguala. This Hatchimal is primarily based on the penguin. Pengualas typically have a friendly, positive, and outgoing personality.

Would you like to draw an adorable Hatchimal emerging from its egg? Here's a step-by-step cartoon drawing tutorial to show you how.

You'll need a pencil and an eraser to begin. First, you'll draw simple shapes such as circles and ovals. Then, you'll fill in the details.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Unicorn drawing, Dragon Head drawing, and Chinese Dragon drawing.

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