Learn how to draw a great looking Reindeer Face with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Reindeer Face.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Reindeer Face

How to Draw a Great Looking Reindeer Face for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1.Begin the reindeer face outline by sketching the eyes. First, draw two curved lines to indicate the cheeks. Then, enclose a large partial oval on top of each line.
Draw two more successively smaller ovals inside each eye. Shade between them to indicate the pupils.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw the animal's nose and smiling mouth. Draw a big, irregular oval for the nose, erasing as necessary. Draw a rounded "W" shaped mouth below it. Finally, draw a curved line above each eye to indicate the eyebrows.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Outline the fawn's face, ears, and neck. Use two curved lines for each ear, allowing them to meet at sharp points. Below the ears, extend the long lines of the cheeks.
At the bottom, draw the neck, allowing the cheeks to overlap it. Finally, draw a small "U" shaped line to contour the chin.
Drawing Step 4

4. Detail the ears, drawing a double-pointed teardrop shape inside each. Then, begin sketching the Santa hat. Use curved lines to draw a rounded rectangle on top of the reindeer's head.
Drawing Step 5

5. Next, draw the top of the hat. Use a series of overlapping curved lines to draw the crooked triangle shape.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw a fluffy pom pom at the tip of the hat. Use curved lines to enclose the rounded shape. Then, extend a curved line from the side of the hat and double it back on itself at the end. This will become the first of the deer's antlers.
Drawing Step 7

7. Finish enclosing the antler. Use a series of curved lines that double back upon themselves to draw the points of the antler.
Add More Details to Your Reindeer Face Picture - Step 8

8. Draw the remaining antler. Again, enclose each of the points by using curved liens that double back upon themselves.
Complete the Outline of Your Reindeer Face Drawing - Step 9

9. Complete your reindeer face outline by drawing a collar and a bell around his neck. First, draw an oval below the neck. Then, enclose the curved rectangular collar above and overlapping the bell. Detail the bell by shading a small oval and drawing a thick line.
Color Your Reindeer Face Drawing

Color your cartoon of a reindeer’s face. We've given ours a red nose and a red and white hat. He's ready for those reindeer games!
Learn More About The Reindeer Face Drawing
Do you hear the jingling of sleigh bells? You can learn how to draw a reindeer face - a cute and silly animal wearing a Christmas hat!
Many people are most familiar with the story of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. But did you know? The reindeer is a real animal - not just a mythical flying one.
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Caribou is another name for reindeer. Caribou are a type of large deer that live in the Arctic. Interestingly, they do pull sleighs - people have domesticated reindeer and train them to work as pack or draft animals (to carry or pull things) and even to ride!
If you enjoyed drawing this reindeer face outline, check out these cartoon reindeer and easy reindeer drawing guides.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Christmas Snoopy drawing, Merry Christmas Card drawing, and Christmas Lights drawing.
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