Learn how to draw a great looking Christmas Snoopy with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Christmas Snoopy.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Christmas Snoopy

How to Draw a Great Looking Christmas Snoopy for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by sketching Snoopy's face. Use a curved line to outline his muzzle. Then, shade small ovals for the nose and eyes. Draw a wide "U" shaped line to form the smiling mouth.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw two curved lines across Snoopy's forehead, and connect them on each end. This is the brim of Snoopy's hat.
Draw a curved line descending from the brim - this will become the pointed top of the hat. Then, use a curved line to outline Snoopy's ear.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Use a long curved line to complete the outline of the hat. At the tip, draw a circle. Use a curved line to complete Snoopy's head and neck.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw a pair of curved lines across the neck, and connect them with short lines on the sides. This is Snoopy's scarf.
Then, draw the arm using a pair of curved lines. Begin drawing the fingers using "U" shaped lines.
Drawing Step 5

5. Complete Snoopy's hand and fingers using overlapping curved lines. Then, draw the end of the scarf blowing in the wind.
From the neck and arm, extend a pair of curved lines, and connect them at the end. Draw short lines along the end of the scarf to form the fringe.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw the gift that Snoopy is holding. First, draw a bow. Use overlapping curved lines to enclose the knot and sides of the bow.
Then, use a series of lines that connect at points to outline the three-dimensional box.
Drawing Step 7

7. Use curved lines to detail the texture of the bow, draw ribbons on each side of the package, and sketch the corners of the box within the outline. Below the gift, draw Snoopy's stomach using a curved line.
Add More Details to Your Christmas Snoopy Picture - Step 8

8. Use curved lines to complete the torso and enclose the leg, foot, tail, and a spot on Snoopy's back.
Complete the Outline of Your Christmas Snoopy Drawing - Step 9

9. Draw Snoopy's remaining foot and leg. Detail the toes with short curved lines.
Color Your Christmas Snoopy Drawing

Color your cartoon of Snoopy. He is white with black spots.
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Learn More About The Christmas Snoopy Drawing
"It was the night before Christmas, 40 below, when Snoopy went up in search of his foe." - "Snoopy's Christmas," song by The Royal Guardsmen
Would you like to learn how to draw Christmas Snoopy - your favorite cartoon canine wearing a Santa hat and holding a present? This easy, step-by-step cartoon character drawing tutorial is here to show you how.
Snoopy is a starring character in the Peanuts comics and cartoons by Charles Schulz. He is a pet beagle who belongs to Charlie Brown.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Snoopy's first Christmas special was A Charlie Brown Christmas, which debuted in 1965. In it, Snoopy's doghouse wins a Christmas decorating contest.
Other Peanuts Christmas specials included It's Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown, Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales and I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown. Snoopy, of course, played a starring role in each.
During the 1960s, the band The Royal Guardsmen released a Christmas song featuring one of Snoopy's most famous alternate identities - that of a World War I flying ace facing off against the Red Baron. In the song, the two enemies put warfare aside to enjoy a Christmas truce.
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw Snoopy from Peanuts Dancing or Dog Pixel Art Drawing tutorials.
See also, Simple Tutorial To Draw A Realistic Dog.
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