Learn how to draw a great looking Sitting Cat with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Sitting Cat.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Sitting Cat

How to Draw a Great Looking Sitting Cat for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin drawing your sitting cat outline by drawing the cat's face. For the cat's eyes, use curved lines to nearly enclose round shapes that are pointed on each end.
Notice that the lines don't quite meet at the corners of the eyes. Draw a short line from each corner. Then, trace the kitty's rounded triangular nose.
Drawing Step 2

2. Use a series of connected, curved lines to outline the cat's face. Let the lines meet at sharp points to suggest the texture of fur.
Then, use curved lines to trace the three rounded sections of the mouth. Draw numerous small dots below the nose to indicate the cat's whiskers.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Outline the remaining side of the face, again using a series of curved lines that meet at jagged points.
Draw the two pointy ears on top of the head, using a pair of curved lines for each. Connect the ears in the middle using another curved line.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw a long curved line and several shorter curved lines that meet at jagged points in each ear. Then, draw curved lines from above the eyes and below the nose, indicating the eyebrows and whiskers.
Drawing Step 5

5. Outline the ruff of fur around the cat's neck. Again, use curved lines that meet at jagged points to give it a furry texture. Then, extend a long curved line to outline the cat's chest and belly.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw the cat's leg using a series of curved lines. Notice the lines that meet at jagged points at the elbow, and the overlapping curved lines that form the toes of the paw.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw the remaining front leg, partially hidden by the first. Again, use curved lines and notice the overlap of the toes. Then, use a curved line to outline the sitting cat's hip.
Add More Details to Your Sitting Cat Picture - Step 8

8. Draw a long curved line from the neck, forming the back and doubling back on itself to form the foot. This encloses the sitting cat outline. Don't forget to detail the toes with short, overlapping lines.
Complete the Outline of Your Sitting Cat Drawing - Step 9

9. Extend a long curved line to form the tail, and double it back upon itself. Draw a wavy line across the top of each foot and the tip of the tail.
Color Your Sitting Cat Drawing

Color your sitting cat outline. Cats come in many colors and patterns - they can be solid black, white, grey; striped orange or grey; or spotted in many ways.
You can invite the whole feline family into your home - learn how to draw a sitting kitten.
Learn More About The Sitting Cat Drawing
Would you like to learn how to draw a sitting cat cartoon? This easy, step-by-feline cartoon drawing tutorial can show you how.
A sitting cat is often a cozy symbol - especially if the cat is sitting in your lap, on a windowsill, or by the fireplace.
It's no wonder we associate cats with homey scenes, as they have shared our dwellings for thousands of years.
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It is thought that small wild cats were attracted to human settlements by mice and rats. These, in turn, were attracted by the grains and other food items humans stored.
Humans and cats formed a symbiotic relationship - the cats got fed, and we had fewer pests to deal with.
Cats are also considered symbols of rebirth due to the myth that they have nine lives; darkness and magic, due to their nocturnal habits; and independence, due to their solitary nature.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Chibi Cat drawing, Tom from Tom and Jerry drawing, and Cat in Clothes drawing.
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