Learn how to draw a great looking Easy Cute Unicorn with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Easy Cute Unicorn.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing an Easy Cute Unicorn

How to Draw a Great Looking Easy Cute Unicorn for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the easy cute unicorn outline by drawing the horse-like head. Use two short curved lines that meet at a point for the ear, and another set for the mane in front of the ear.
Use a curved line for the face, and draw a short line at the corner of the mouth. Draw another short line to indicate the nostril.
Drawing Step 2

2. Detail the inside of the ear with a short curved line, then use a long curved line to trace the back of the neck.
Use another curved line for the underside of the face and a final line for the front of the neck and chest.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Use curved lines to outline the front legs. Notice the zigzag lines at the bottom of the leg that give it a furry appearance. Draw a curved line across the bottom of the leg to indicate the hoof.
Drawing Step 4

4. Complete the remaining foreleg, again noting the point of the elbow, the fur at the bottom of the leg, and the shape of the hoof.
Then, extend another curved line to form the animal's belly and begin drawing the rear leg using a series of curved lines.
Drawing Step 5

5. Use long curved lines to trace the rump and the final rear leg. Then, enclose the irregular half-circle shapes of the hooves.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw the unicorn's eye. Use curved lines to trace the shape, with another above the eye to indicate the eyelid.
Inside the eye, draw two successively smaller circles and shade between them to indicate the pupil
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw the mane, erasing previous lines as necessary. Use curved lines of different lengths and allow them to meet at jagged points. Texture the mane with curved lines.
Add More Details to Your Easy Cute Unicorn Picture - Step 8

8. Draw the unicorn's tail. Use curved lines of different lengths. Then, texture the tail with curved lines.
Complete the Outline of Your Easy Cute Unicorn Drawing - Step 9

9. Complete your easy cute unicorn outline by drawing the ubiquitous horn. This is what sets the unicorn apart from the horse. Extend a curved line from the forehead and double it back upon itself.
Color Your Easy Cute Unicorn Drawing

Color your cartoon unicorn. These mythical creatures are often illustrated in fantastic colors, even rainbow shades.
For more great Cute cartoons drawing tutorials, see the 51 Easy Cute cartoons Art Projects for Kids post.
Learn More About The Easy Cute Unicorn Drawing
Would you like to draw an easy cute unicorn? You can master the easy cute unicorn outline with the help of this drawing tutorial.
A unicorn is a "mythological animal resembling a horse or a goat with a single horn on its forehead."
They were said to be extremely rare and fleet of foot - the reason why rare things are sometimes called "unicorns" today.
The earliest known references to unicorns appear in the Mesopotamian region and in India.
Ancient and medieval peoples believed that the unicorn's horn held healthful or even magical powers.
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Those drinking from cups made from the horn were said to be protected from poison and certain illnesses. Some believed that only a maiden could catch a unicorn.
Sometimes, they were mixed with the legends of the Pegasus and given wings.
Where did myths of the unicorn come from?
Some may have been related to travelers' descriptions of the Indian rhinoceros.
The spiral-shaped horn may have come from findings of narwhal tusks. Narwhals are a type of whale with a long, spiral-shaped tooth protruding from the face.
Unicorns have long captured our imaginations. They're present in literature and artwork from ancient Babylon and medieval Europe.
Modern literature such as the Narnia series relies heavily on unicorns. Today, cartoons like The Last Unicorn and My Little Pony feature the animals.
The are even among the emojis on our cell phones.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Pegasus drawing, Cartoon Horse drawing, and Simple Horse drawing.
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