How to Draw the Flash

Learn how to draw a great looking The Flash with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect The Flash.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing The Flash

How to Draw a Great Looking The Flash for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw the Flash Step 01

1. Begin by drawing the Flash's eyes. Use two curved lines to outline each almond-shaped eye.

Then, shade a circle inside it to indicate the pupil. Draw short curved lines above and between the eyes to detail the eyelids and the bridge of the nose.

Drawing Step 2

How to Draw the Flash Step 02

2. Use curved lines to outline the nose, nostril, mouth, corners of the mouth, and the dimple of the chin.

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Drawing Step 3

How to Draw the Flash Step 03

3. Use a long curved line to outline the head and face.

Notice the contours of the chin and cheeks, and how the line does not completely converge. Use curved lines to form a loose diamond shape around each eye.

Drawing Step 4

How to Draw the Flash Step 04

4. Use a series of straight and curved lines to draw the opening of the mask around the mouth.

Then, use curved lines to craft the lightning bolt design over the ear. At the base of the lightning bolt, enclose a half-circle.

Drawing Step 5

How to Draw the Flash Step 05

5. Use curved lines to enclose the half-circle and the partially visible lightning bolt over the opposite ear. Contour the first half circle with a curved line.

Extend a pair of lines below the head to form the neck, then contour the muscles of the neck with two more curved lines.

Drawing Step 6

How to Draw the Flash Step 06

6. Begin sketching the Flash's muscular shoulders. Use curved lines. Note the contours of the collarbone and top of the arm.

Drawing Step 7

How to Draw the Flash Step 07

7. Continue to use curved lines to sketch the arm, the pectoral muscles, and the biceps.

Add More Details to Your The Flash Picture - Step 8

How to Draw the Flash Step 08

8. Complete the biceps muscle of the arm using curved lines. Then, complete the outline of the torso. Use curved lines to contour the rib and the top of the abdominal muscles.

Complete the Outline of Your The Flash Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw the Flash Step 09

9. Draw the Flash logo on the superhero's chest. First, use a series of lines to enclose the zig-zag shape of a lightning bolt. Then, draw a circle around it.

Color Your The Flash Drawing

How to Draw the Flash Step 10

Color your cartoon of the Flash. He typically wears a red suit with yellow lightning bolts.

Easy, step by step The Flash drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The The Flash Drawing

You can create your own superhero comics when you learn how to draw the Flash with the help of this cartoon drawing tutorial!

Who is the Flash? He's a blur of red racing through the city. He moves at super speeds to save the day just in the nick of time. He taps into a power known as "the speed force" to gain his amazing abilities.

The Flash was first seen in Flash Comics #1 in 1939. Over the years, at least four different heroes have gone by the name "the Flash."

The most well-known is Barry Allen, a forensic scientist whose mother was murdered by a speedster.

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Later, Barry's nephew Wally West and his grandson Bart Allen also donned the costume. The original Flash was college athlete Jay Garrick.

The Flash is a member of the Justice League, a team of crime-fighting superheroes that includes Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman.

You don't have to be speedy to learn how to draw the Flash. But practice will certainly hone your drawing skills!

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Chibi Spider-Man drawing, Deathstroke drawing, and Cyclops from X-Men drawing.

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