Learn how to draw a great looking Cute Cartoon Mouse with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Cute Cartoon Mouse.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Cute Cartoon Mouse

How to Draw a Great Looking Cute Cartoon Mouse for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the cute cartoon mouse outline by drawing two curved lines. These will become the mouse's head.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw a few curved lines between the previous lines, closing the gap between them. This is a tuft of fur on top of the mouse's head.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Draw connected curved lines at the bottom of both lines. This is fur on the mouse's cheeks.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw a curved line to connect the furry cheeks, fully enclosing the shape of the head. Then, draw a series of curved lines to begin sketching the mouse's furry body.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw curved lines opposite those drawn in the last step, creating a mirror image. Then, enclose a round shape below these lines using a long curved line.
Drawing Step 6

6. Next, detail the mouse's cute face. Draw a circle in the center of the face to form the nose. Draw two curved lines extending from each side of the nose to form the sides of the snout and the cheeks.
Draw a curved line above each cheek to outline the eyes. Within each eye, draw a circle within a circle. Shade between them to indicate the pupil. Then, draw a curved line above each eye to form the eyebrows.
Below the nose, draw a wide curved line to form the smiling mouth. Place a short line at each corner, and enclose a rectangle shape beneath it. These are the teeth. Draw a short line between them.
Drawing Step 7

7. Next, draw the mouse's large ears. Use a long curved line to enclose a partial circle on each side of the head.
Note the series of curved lines at the top of each ear that indicates fur. Detail inside the ears by drawing several curved lines.
Add More Details to Your Cute Cartoon Mouse Picture - Step 8

8. Draw the mouse's arms and legs. For the arms, extend a pair of curved lines and use "U" shaped lines for the fingers.
For the legs, extend two curved lines. Double one back upon itself to meet the other, forming the foot. Detail the toes with a curved line.
Complete the Outline of Your Cute Cartoon Mouse Drawing - Step 9

9. Complete your cute cartoon mouse outline by drawing its tail. Extend two curved lines and allow them to meet at a point.
Color Your Cute Cartoon Mouse Drawing

Color your simple cartoon mouse. We've shaded ours in classic colors of gray and pink. In the wild, mice are often gray or brown.
White mice are kept by humans, as pets or for scientific research. Some mice even have stripes!
For more great Cute cartoons drawing tutorials, see the 51 Step-by-Step Cute cartoons Drawing Guides post.

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Learn More About The Cute Cartoon Mouse Drawing
Would you like to draw a cute cartoon mouse? This easy tutorial will help you master the cute cartoon mouse outline in no time.
Mice live virtually everywhere in the world. The house mouse has traveled with humans and established itself on every continent.
There are 38 species of true mice, but over 1,000 species of mouse like rodents. In cartoons, mice are often shown eating cheese. While mice will feed on cheese, they prefer fruits, seeds, or grains.
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It is no wonder, then, that mice are also prolific in literature and cartoons. How many cartoon mice can you think of? Some of the most famous include:
- Jerry from Tom and Jerry
- Speed Gonzalez and his companions from the Looney Tunes
- Stuart Little
- Disney's Mickey and Minnie Mouse
- Brisby of The Secret of NIMH
- Angelina Ballerina
- Many characters of the Redwall books and cartoons
- Basil of The Great Mouse Detective
- Miss Bianca and Bernard in The Rescuers
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Mouse drawing, Goofy drawing, and Bugs Bunny drawing.
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