Learn how to draw a great looking Cute Unicorn Cat with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Cute Unicorn Cat.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Cute Unicorn Cat

How to Draw a Great Looking Cute Unicorn Cat for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Draw two ovals with the right oval at a slight angle. Sketch smaller ovals inside these shapes, then draw two more ovals inside. Keep these ovals white, and fill in the rest of the shapes.
Drawing Step 2

2. In the center, draw a round triangle with a loose W shape underneath.
Sketch curvy triangles like wings on one side of each eye, and fill them in. Add two dashes above the eyes like you're drawing a chibi cat.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Draw a loop underneath the mouth with two hills inside for the tongue. Sketch a curve on either side of the face, then sketch triangles for the fur and bring the left curve upward.
Drawing Step 4

4. Complete the head with a curve like a dome. Draw two rounded triangles for the ears with matching triangles inside these shapes.
Drawing Step 5

5. Sketch a triangle with a round bottom like a cone, then draw lines inside the triangle. Use sketchy lines to create a tuft of fur underneath the chin.
Drawing Step 6

6. Add more sketchy lines underneath the head. Draw one curve for the chest, then two curves pointing in the opposite direction for the leg. Sketch tufts of fur on the left curve.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw a curve to the left, make a loop for the foot, then sketch a smaller curve. Add a loop on the other leg and outline the toes with dashes.
Add More Details to Your Cute Unicorn Cat Picture - Step 8

8. Complete the underside of the body with a curve, then use loops for the other two feet and outline the toes.
Complete the Outline of Your Cute Unicorn Cat Drawing - Step 9

9. Use curves and squiggly lines to outline the tail. Don't worry about making it look perfect.
Color Your Cute Unicorn Cat Drawing

Finally, outline your cartoon cute unicorn cat in black, then grab your favorite coloring tools. Make sure you erase the stray pencil lines.
Most unicorns are white, so keep the cat's fur white with light gray shadows. Use pink for the cheeks and mouth and purple for the nose and ears.
Color the horn with rainbow colors, and add sparkles or glitter if you feel like it.
Learn More About The Cute Unicorn Cat Drawing
When you learn how to draw a cute unicorn cat, you can combine two of your favorite animals in one. A rainbow unicorn horn makes this cartoon cat extra adorable.
Unicorns are mythical creatures that writers usually portray as pure and innocent. They're typically white with gold or silver horns.
While most people think about horses when they imagine unicorns, some unicorns are actually goats.
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What would you picture if someone asked you to imagine a cat combined with a unicorn?
The actual result is much cuter. This cute unicorn cat is friendly and playful and ready for a mythological adventure.
Unfortunately, you can't have a cartoon unicorn cat as a pet, but a drawing is the next best thing.
When you're done coloring the outline, you could add a background, like a waterfall or a magical forest.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Easy Cute Unicorn drawing, Unicorn Emoji drawing, and Rainbow with a Pot of Gold drawing.
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