Learn how to draw a great looking Donkey with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Donkey.
Step by Step Instructions for Drawing a Donkey

How to Draw a Great Looking Donkey for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by drawing a circle. This will form the donkey's head.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw two additional circles, lower than the first. These represent the donkey's shoulders and hips, and will help you sketch the donkey's body.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Use curved lines to outline the donkey's mouth. Extend a line from the first circle and double it back upon itself, forming the upper lip. Then, extend another line to form the lower jaw. Notice how this line enters the circle, curving to outline the jaw.
Drawing Step 4

4. Connect each of the circles using long curved lines, outlining the neck, back, and stomach.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw legs extending from the shoulders and hips. For each leg, extend a pair of curved lines downward from the body. Notice how the lines bow outward to detail the shapes of knees and ankles. Enclose the bottom of each leg by drawing the hooves. For each hoof, use a curved line for the top and a straight horizontal line for the bottom.
Drawing Step 6

6. Use two "U" shaped lines to sketch the donkey's large ears. Between the ears, use short curved lines that meet in jagged points to enclose a tuft of mane. Use curved lines to draw the mane extending down the neck as well.
Drawing Step 7

7. Erase the guide lines left over from the original circles.
Add More Details to Your Donkey Picture - Step 8

8. Sketch the far legs, using two curved lines to outline each. Enclose the bottom of each leg by drawing the hoof. Then, extend two curved lines from above the rear leg, and allow them to meet in a sharp point. Beneath this, enclose a teardrop shape, and band it with curved lines. This forms the donkey's tail, complete with a tuft of hair at the end.
Complete the Outline of Your Donkey Drawing - Step 9

9. Detail the donkey's face. Use curved lines to detail the ears. Draw a curved line across the face, just above the snout, and shade a small oval to indicate the nostril. Draw a large circle to form the eye. Shade a smaller circle within it to form the pupil, leaving a tiny circle unshaded.
Color Your Donkey Drawing

10. Color your donkey. Many donkeys are brown or grey. Some are dark brown or black with a white muzzle.
Would you like to draw more fun farm animals? Check out our horses, cows, sheep, pigs, goats, chickens, and more.
For more great Things to draw tutorials, see the 100 Easy Things to draw Tutorials post.
Learn More About The Donkey Drawing
Donkeys, also called burros, are small mammals related to the horse. The donkey has been used by man as a beast of burden for around 6,000 years. It is thought to have been domesticated from a wild African species.
Today, there are many different breeds of donkey, including the Sicilian donkey, which stands only two feet high at the shoulder.
Donkeys are known for being stubborn, but they also have many admirable traits. They are sure footed on rocky or uneven terrain, and they can carry heavy loads.
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They can survive harsh environments that would prove fatal to similar animals.
Donkeys are also courageous - they have been known to attack and prevail over dogs and even mountain lions that threaten their herd.
Did you know? The name of the popular Mexican dish called the "burrito" actually means "little donkey."
Legend has it that long ago, a food vendor wrapped meats and beans in tortillas to keep them warm, and transported his wares to town on the back of a little donkey.
His creations were referred to as "the food of the little donkey," and the burrito was born.
Would you like to draw a donkey? This easy, step-by-step animal drawing tutorial is here to help. All you will need is a pencil, an eraser, and a sheet of paper. You may also wish to color your finished drawing.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Simple Horse drawing, Cow drawing, and Sheep drawing.
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