Learn how to draw a great looking Axolotl with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Axolotl.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing an Axolotl

How to Draw a Great Looking Axolotl for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by drawing the features of the salamander's face. Draw a wide curved line for the smiling mouth and cap it with short curved lines on the ends. Above, the mouth, draw the eyes. For each, enclose a small oval within a larger one, and shade between them. Draw a curved line below each eye to contour the cheek.
Drawing Step 2

2. Outline the shape of the axolotl's face. Use a long curved line for the top of the head, and another for the cheek and jaw. Then, draw the external gills, sometimes referred to as "head ferns" by axolotl enthusiasts. Use a pair of curved lines for each gill, and connect them with short lines at the bottom.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Use wavy curved lines to enclose the gill filaments.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw the gills on the opposite side of the head, using a pair of curved lines for each. Begin drawing the gill filaments using a wavy curved line.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw the filaments of the remaining gills, using a wavy curved line for each. Then, outline the body. Extend a long curved line above and below the head.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw the foreleg. Use pairs of curved lines for the upper and lower leg, noting bend of the elbow. Enclose the fingers using "U" shaped lines. Then, extend the belly and begin the rear leg using curved lines.
Drawing Step 7

7. Complete the rear leg, using a series of short curved lines to form the toes and back of the leg. Then, use two long curved lines that meet at a point to enclose the large, tadpole-like tail. Notice how the line of the tail overlaps with the animal's back.
Add More Details to Your Axolotl Picture - Step 8

8. Contour the side of the body with curved lines. Then, use curved lines to draw the remaining foreleg.
Complete the Outline of Your Axolotl Drawing - Step 9

9. Enclose the remaining rear foot using a series of curved lines. Then, draw two long curved lines down the center of the tail, allowing them to meet at a point.
Color Your Axolotl Drawing

Color your cute cartoon axolotl. Axolotls are usually white or light pink in color with bright pink to red gills. Some are dark brown with black speckles.
Learn More About The Axolotl Drawing
Are you looking for cute cartoon axolotl drawing ideas? This creature, which looks more like a Pokémon than a real animal, has taken popular culture by storm.
Why? Because its smiling face is so cute!
But wait, what's an axolotl? It is a salamander native to lakes and ponds of Mexico. Despite their lizard-like appearance, Salamanders are amphibians, like frogs, with a similar egg-tadpole-adult lifecycle.
Its name can be translated "water servant."
Several features make axolotls unique. One is their brightly colored gills, which fringe their heads like a poison-spitting dinosaur from Jurassic Park.
They remain in a "larval" stage throughout adulthood, retaining these external gills and characteristic tadpole tail. If they lose a limb, they can completely regrow it.
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Axolotls are critically endangered. Their native habitat is limited to about 10 square kilometers, and this is being encroached upon and polluted by humans.
A recent study found no axolotls living in the wild. But scientists have been able to breed axolotls in captivity, and they are working to keep the species alive by releasing individuals back into protected portions of its native range.
So, the axolotl is too rare to keep as a pet. You might be able to see one in a zoo. But you can definitely learn to draw one.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Seahorse drawing, Stingray drawing, and Frog drawing.
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